Kobiece reguły gry. Spór o kobiety w dialogu Il merito delle donne Moderaty Fonte
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEKobiece reguły gry. Spór o kobiety w dialogu Il merito delle donne Moderaty Fonte
Data publikacji: 30.09.2020
Terminus, 2020, Tom 22, zeszyt 3 (56) 2020, s. 209-232
Kobiece reguły gry. Spór o kobiety w dialogu Il merito delle donne Moderaty Fonte
Women’s Rules of the Game: A Dispute over Women in the Dialogue Il merito delle donne by Moderata Fonte
This paper concerns Moderata Fonte (Modesta dal Pozzo), a female Venetian writer who lived in the 16th century, and a dialogue she wrote, Il merito delle donne (On the Value of Women), in which seven women gathered in a garden have a lively discussion about men and their flaws. The author of the study presents the book and Fonte’s biography in the context of the early-modern dispute over women (querelle des femmes). She then analyses Il merito delle donne in terms of the functionality of both the genre in which it was written and the convention of play (game) that is relevant to the work, in order to answer the question of the importance of these devices for the topic Fonte raises. Skowron writes about what makes Il merito delle donne different from other dialogues published at the time by women, as well as from Balthazar Castiglione’s famous Book of the Courtier (Il libro del Cortegiano), and in discussing the motif of the play she uses the definition of the ludic element of Johan Huizinga of Homo ludens. She points to the presence of particular determinants of play in Il merito delle donne, wondering how the voluntary basis of the game, limited time and space, imposed rules or a situation different from ordinary life affect the female characters’ freedom to express their opinions in discussion, as well as the reception of the work itself. Il merito delle donne owes its unique character to its form because it allows not only different views in a dispute over women to be presented, but above all it involves the reader in a discussion which does not end with the last page of the dialogue.
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Informacje: Terminus, 2020, Tom 22, zeszyt 3 (56) 2020, s. 209-232
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Kobiece reguły gry. Spór o kobiety w dialogu Il merito delle donne Moderaty Fonte
Women’s Rules of the Game: A Dispute over Women in the Dialogue Il merito delle donne by Moderata Fonte
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Polska, ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków
Publikacja: 30.09.2020
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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