Are Dispositional Adjectives a Case of Transposition? – Semantic Effects of -liw(y) Attachment to Verbal Bases in Polish

Data publikacji: 29.06.2018

Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 13 (2018), Vol. 13, Issue 2, s. 69-92



Maria Bloch-Trojnar
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Wszystkie publikacje autora →


Are Dispositional Adjectives a Case of Transposition? – Semantic Effects of -liw(y) Attachment to Verbal Bases in Polish


The paper presents the constraints on the formation of dispositional adjectives in Polish marked with the suffix -liw(y) and situates the process in a larger-scale picture of the entire class of deverbal adjectivizations. Derivatives with dispositional semanticsare argued to be a subclass of Subject adjectivizations/potential adjectives since both are one-participant eventualities, the sole participant being mapped onto the subject position of the main verb. The difference between dispositional and potential semantics is not categorical but a matter of degree. The domain of this process includes intransitive verbs of communication and emission, reflexively marked intransitive verbs referring to emotional states (deponents), (reflexively marked) decausatives, verbs denoting psychological/emotional/mental experiences which syntactically may be transitive but can be viewed as one-participant internal eventualities, non-prototypical transitive verbs which take genitive- and dative-marked objects and verbal roots which alternate between transitive and middle semantics. The dispositional semantics of the adjective depends on the personal/animate or inanimate nature of the participant involved in the eventuality. Thus, it rests with the base (or partly with the nominal argument) and is not supplied by the suffix.


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Informacje: Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 13 (2018), Vol. 13, Issue 2, s. 69-92

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Are Dispositional Adjectives a Case of Transposition? – Semantic Effects of -liw(y) Attachment to Verbal Bases in Polish


John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Publikacja: 29.06.2018

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

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