Zaangażowane rodzicielstwo w kontekście satysfakcji małżeńskiej i zawodowej
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEZaangażowane rodzicielstwo w kontekście satysfakcji małżeńskiej i zawodowej
Data publikacji: 30.06.2013
Psychologia Rozwojowa, 2013, Tom 18, Numer 2, s. 21 - 33
Zaangażowane rodzicielstwo w kontekście satysfakcji małżeńskiej i zawodowej
Involved parenting in the context of marital and job satisfaction
The issues broached by the article concern the interdependence of social roles assumed by adults. From the point of view of optimal conditions for offspring development, the level of adults’ involvement in parenting tasks and the degree to which the involvement depends on their professional and marital satisfaction is signifi cant. It is assumed, that involvement in the role of a mother or father has an effect on the functioning of both adults and their children, nalogous to professional involvement, which yields individual (shaping abilities and self esteem) and supra- individual (affecting an organisation’s efficiency) consequences. The article presents an attempt at an operationalization of involvement in parenting and the results of the relationships of the aforementioned adult activity areas. The research indicates that the exposed dependency is based on a correlation between both the overall marital satisfaction as well as its individual aspects. Whereas linear regression analysis indicates that the relationship between self-fulfi lment in a marriage, spouse intimacy and involvement in parenting is not statistically signifi cant. Also the level of marital disillusionment does not allow us to forecast adult involvement in parental tasks. The variable pertaining to marital satisfaction signifi cant for parental involvement is spousal similarity. Individuals who see similarities between themselves and their spouse exhibit higher levels of involvement. On the other hand, generalised professional satisfaction is not signifi cant when it comes to parental involvement. Only colleague satisfaction constitutes a significant, albeit weak predictor for parental involvement.
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Informacje: Psychologia Rozwojowa, 2013, Tom 18, Numer 2, s. 21 - 33
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Zaangażowane rodzicielstwo w kontekście satysfakcji małżeńskiej i zawodowej
Involved parenting in the context of marital and job satisfaction
Instytut Psychologii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Publikacja: 30.06.2013
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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