Chińskie nauki o drodze i dążeniu do doskonałości
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEChińskie nauki o drodze i dążeniu do doskonałości
Data publikacji: 26.04.2021
Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej, 2021, Zeszyt 19, s. 7 - 12
Chińskie nauki o drodze i dążeniu do doskonałości
In the article, the author presents reflections on the importance of the idea of the road and perfection in Chinese philosophy on the basis of Chinese aphorisms. In Chinese philosophy, the central concept is tao 道, or “road,” understood as the path that a person walks through life in search and pursuit of wisdom and perfection. The wisdom of Chinese sages, such as Confucius, Lao-cy, Lie-cy, Mo Ti, and others, cited in the article, show what the pursuit of perfection is in terms of Chinese philosophy, and also contain recommendations on how to act in order to live well, in order to follow the path of virtue. This does not apply only to Taoism, because all the recommendations of Chinese sages concern how to proceed in order to experience our life as best as possible – both in ethical and praxeological dimensions. Most of the recommendations are united by the idea of self-improvement, based on the imperative of striving for excellence. This idea permeates the culture of the Far East – China, Japan, and Korea. In these countries, the ordinary activities of daily life have become “art.” Even if it is known that perfection can only be approached and never attained, it is still to be pursued, putting into it your daily effort in the thought of what Confucius preached: “the path is more important than the goal.”
* Pierwsza wersja tego artykułu ukazała się w książce: K. Zeidler, Mądrośćchińskich aforyzmów. O państwie, prawie polityce i władzy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2020, s. 185–197.
Informacje: Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej, 2021, Zeszyt 19, s. 7 - 12
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Chińskie nauki o drodze i dążeniu do doskonałości
Chinese teachings on the path and the pursuit of excellence
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, ul. Bażyńskiego 4, 80-952 Gdańsk
Publikacja: 26.04.2021
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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