Some remarks concerning reception of mathematics in Central-Eastern Europe
in the years 1850‒1920
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Some remarks concerning reception of mathematics in Central-Eastern Europe
in the years 1850‒1920
Data publikacji: 19.09.2014
Czasopismo Techniczne, 2014, Nauki Podstawowe Zeszyt 1 NP (7) 2014, s. 99 - 105
Some remarks concerning reception of mathematics in Central-Eastern Europe
in the years 1850‒1920
In the flow of mathematical ideas from the West to Central-Eastern Europe one can distinguish several typical forms: 1) foreign mathematicians, invited to cultivate mathematics upon new ground (e.g. Euler in Russia); 2) domestic mathematicians who completed their studies abroad and continued research after returning home (e.g. W. Buniakowski or M. Ostrogradski in Russia); 3) domestic mathematicians who dared developing new directions, thus initiating original schools of mathematics (e.g. N. N. Lusin in Russia). A separate phenomenon was a startling discovery of non-euclidean geometry (N. N. Lobatchevsky in Russia, J. Bolyai in Hungary).
J. Banionis, The famous mathematician of Lithuanian University Otto Theodor Volk (1892‒1989), this issue. See also: Matematyka na Litwie 1920‒1940 (Mathematics in Lithuania 1920‒1940), Wiadom. Mat. 42, 2006, 63-72.
M. Bečvařová, Czech mathematicians and their role in the development of national mathematics in the Balkans 1850‒1951, History of Mathematics, 41, Prague 2011, 33-42.
S.S. Demidov, B.V. Lefshin (eds.), Deło akademika Nikołaja Nikołajewicza Łusina (The case of academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Lusin), Sankt-Petersburg 1999.
R. Duda, Lwowska Szkoła Matematyczna (The Lvov School of Mathematics), Wrocław 2007 (English translation in print).
P. Dugac, N. Lusin. Lettres à Arnaud Denjoy avec introduction et notes, Arch. Intern. Hist. Sci. 27, 1977, 179-206; translated fragments (into Polish): Wiadom. Mat. 25.1, 1983, 65-68.
Z. Janiszewski, Stan i potrzeby matematyki w Polsce (State and needs of mathematics in Poland), Nauka Polska 1, 1918, 11-18; reprint in English in the book: S.M.G. Kuzawa, Modern Mathematics. The Genesis of a School in Poland, New Haven 1968, 112-118; reprint in Polish: Wiadom. Mat. 7.1, 1963, 3-8.
Jubilé scientifique de M. Stanislas Zaremba, Kraków 1930.
J.-P. Kahane, Aperçu sur l’influence de l’école mathématique polonaise 1918‒1939, Centre Scientifique de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences à Paris, 1992; Polish translation: Próba oceny wpływu polskiej szkoły matematycznej lat 1918‒1939, Wiadom. Mat. 31, 1995, 163-175.
F. Klein, Die Entwicklung der Mathematik im XIX. Jahrhundert, 2 volumes, Berlin 1927 (volume 2, 202).
S. Mazurkiewicz, O potrzebach matematyki w Polsce (On the needs of mathematics in Poland), Nauka Polska 2, 1919, 1-5.
F.A. Medvedev, Francuzskaja szkoła teorii funkcyj i mnożestw na rubieże XIX‒XX ww. (The French school of the theory of functions and of sets at the turn of XIX‒XX c.), Moscow 1976.
F.A. Medvedev, O kurse lekcyj B.K. Młodziejewskogo po tieorii funkcyj dejstwitelnogo peremennego, proczytannych osenju 1902 g. w moskowskom uniwersitete (On the course of lectures on theory of functions of a real variable read by B.K. Młodziejewski in the autumn 1902 at the Moscow university), Istoriko-matem. Issledow. 30, 1986, 223-246.
C. Phili, La génese et le développment de la théorie descriptive des ensembles, Istoriko-mat. Issledow., II series, Moscow 2010.
H. Poincaré, Sur l’équation Du + xu = 0. Analyse d‘un mémoire de M. Zaremba, Bull. Sci. Math. 26(2), 1902, 337-350.
W. Sierpiński, O polskiej szkole matematycznej (On the Polish school of mathematics), [in:] Wkład Polaków do nauk. Nauki ścisłe. Wybór artykułów (Contribution of Poles to Science. Exact Sciences. A. Selection of Articles), Biblioteka Problemów 101, Warszawa 1967, 413-434.
W. Ślebodziński, Wspomnienia matematyka z lat 1903‒1968 (Recollections of a mathematican from the years 1903‒1968), Wiadom. Mat. 12.1, 1969, 17-31.
S. Zaremba, O najpilniejszych potrzebach nauki w Polsce ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem matematyki (On the most pressing needs of science in Poland with a particular attetion to mathematics), Nauka Polska 1, 1918, 1-10.
S. Zdravkovska, P.L. Duren, Golden Years of Moscow Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 2007.
Informacje: Czasopismo Techniczne, 2014, Nauki Podstawowe Zeszyt 1 NP (7) 2014, s. 99 - 105
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Some remarks concerning reception of mathematics in Central-Eastern Europe
in the years 1850‒1920
Some remarks concerning reception of mathematics in Central-Eastern Europe
in the years 1850‒1920
Institute of Mathematics, University of Wrocław, Poland
Cracow University of Technology, Department of Thermal Power Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publikacja: 19.09.2014
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 2082
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