Katarzyna Ornacka
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Translations / Przekłady, 2014, s. 7 - 22
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138PS.15.001.4806Eugenics as cultural and historical context for social work with the family
The social discourse on the use of knowledge in the field of genetic research involving both supporters as well as opponents. First, pointing to the medical aspects, emphasize new possibilities for prevention and treatment of diseases. Others warn against the temptation associated with the manipulation of human nature through sex selection, genetic features children or patching or muscles. As stated Marek Drwięga the problem (and the related moral dilemmas) occurs when—instead of the treatment of diseases—people use gene therapy to ““improve their physical and mental faculties”“ to the consequences ““as a unit better to”“ find themselves ““above norm”„. The variety of positions and the lack of clarity in the expression of individual opinion partly due to the fact that technological progress is much faster than moral reflection. This leads—according to Michael Sandel—a situation in which people express their concern about reaching into the language of autonomy, justice and individual rights. Unfortunately, this ““moral”“ vision of the world does not bring relief to people and does not release them from anxiety, as they continue to answer the fundamental questions concerning, inter alia, the design of children or human cloning remain open. In the context of genetic engineering and biotechnology is increasingly appearing concept of eugenics—invented in the nineteenth century by Francis Galton3 and meaning ““well-born”“—which is the ““gate”“ to the in-vitro procedure. In today‘s world, where thanks to advanced technologies dominate pleasure, convenience and comfort, eugenics may be manipulating the eternal laws of nature in order to ““breed a man without any dysfunction and deficits, or to bring into being an artificial being, human-like in appearance only, and characterized by excellent physical and mental efficiency.”“ The purpose of our article is, therefore, a reflection on the risks associated with the formation of new sources of inequality and identity wounds, which is particularly important in the field of contemporary social work with the family.
Katarzyna Ornacka
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 19, Numer 2, 2014, s. 41 - 54
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138PS.14.004.3720Eugenics as a cultural and historical context for social work with the family
The social discourse on the use of knowledge in the field of genetic research involving both supporters as well as opponents. First, pointing to the medical aspects, emphasize new possibilities for prevention and treatment of diseases. Others warn against the temptation associated with the manipulation of human nature through sex selection, genetic features children or patching or muscles. As stated Marek Drwięga the problem (and the related moral dilemmas) occurs when - instead of the treatment of diseases - people use gene therapy to "improve their physical and mental faculties" to the consequences "as a unit better to" find themselves "above norm ". The variety of positions and the lack of clarity in the expression of individual opinion partly due to the fact that technological progress is much faster than moral reflection. This leads - according to Michael Sandel - a situation in which people express their concern about reaching into the language of autonomy, justice and individual rights. Unfortunately, this "moral" vision of the world does not bring relief to people and does not release them from anxiety, as they continue to answer the fundamental questions concerning, inter alia, the design of children or human cloning remain open. In the context of genetic engineering and biotechnology is increasingly appearing concept of eugenics - invented in the nineteenth century by Francis Galton and meaning "well-born" - which is the "gate" to the in-vitro procedure. In today's world, where thanks to advanced technologies dominate pleasure, convenience and comfort, eugenics may be manipulating the eternal laws of nature in order to "breed a man without any dysfunction and deficits, or to bring into being an artificial being, human-like in appearance only, and characterized by excellent physical and mental efficiency." The purpose of our article is, therefore, a reflection on the risks associated with the formation of new sources of inequality and identity wounds, which is particularly important in the field of contemporary social work with the family.
Katarzyna Ornacka
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 23, numer 1, 2018, s. 21 - 33
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.18.002.8636Katarzyna Ornacka
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 3, 2017, s. 195 - 212
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.17.012.8007Managing childhood in social work in the context of institutional forms of childcare
Katarzyna Ornacka
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 23, numer 4, 2018, s. 333 - 347
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.18.021.10076On vulnerable identities and recognition of child abuse
The phenomenon of violence against children is a serious social problem, and public awareness about the effects of violence for children remains at a low level. Children with vulnerable identity experience a developmental trauma that has a negative impact on the child’s development as well as on the functioning of adult life. Children who are abused with even more determination must fi ght for attention, recognition, dignity and, above all, for the right to be themselves. Th e issue of violence against children raises questions about who and how does it deal with the protection of victims of violence and the promotion of human rights, especially children’s rights? In what direction should social education develop so that the legal regulations are consistent with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the child’s situation and initiate appropriate assistance activities? What can adults learn from children? Answers to the above questions were given by a person who, through his activities in the “Ad Vocem” Foundation, works with (abused) people every day and who believes that listening to the voice of children is a way to understand what is important to them and what they need. Because – as she claims – knowledge and skills give a sense of security and courage for eff ective action.
Katarzyna Ornacka
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 25, Numer 1, 2020, s. 59 - 77
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.20.010.12086Social work with a child by streetworking: About discovering the potential and building relationships in the child’s social space
Streetworking is a way of working that allows a professional to get closer to the world of people with trauma experience. Their childhood and early years are filled with negative emotions – pain, anxiety, shame or withdrawal from social life. On the one hand, they are forced to live in enclaves of poverty and, on many occasions, take responsibility for the difficulties and dysfunctions of their biological parents; on the other hand, they try to find their own safe space where they can find peace and answers to the questions and dilemmas that arise ‒ so they take to the streets. Professionals, for whom the street has become a place of work, are ready to meet them, but they do not expect cooperation, they do not impose support, they are aware that the need for change must appear in a person who is in a situation of help. Such an approach makes them ‒ just as much as they do ‒ a tool in the process of building relationships, accompanying in games, conversations or resolving confliicts. The task of streetworkers is, therefore, to create a space in which it will be possible to show young people other possibilities of coping in life, motivating them to take up challenges, but not to teach or mentor. There are different rules of (co-)social life and a different hierarchy on the street. It has a specific charm, but it is a place where change happens continuously, and every new person is described as an enemy. A streetworker enters “someone else’s territory”, and that means he accepts the rules there and is open to the reality he will find “in the street”. Many times approaching the world of children (on) the street involves the use of unconventional methods such as provocation. Thus, this article is a reflection on the importance of the social worker’s profession in the context of streetworking.
* Artykuł ten powstał na podstawie pracy przygotowanej przez Dominikę Curyło pod tytułem Postawy i zachowania streetworkerów w kontakcie z dziećmi i młodzieżą, Kraków 2017 (materiał niepublikowany, wykorzystane fragmenty za zgodą autorki pracy).
Katarzyna Ornacka
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 18, Numer 3, 2013, s. 187 - 201
Old age in the Websites of Regional Centers of Social Policy. Population problems and social policy
The number of old people in Poland has significantly increased for last decade. Among others, the causes of this growth are: lengthening of human life and emigration of young people abroad. Population changes has been becoming a problem, which meet reaction from side of state social policy institutions, such as government, ministries and local authorities. In this paper, we present scope of usage of information and communication technologies by old people (aft er their sixty year of age). We show also offers of Regional Centers of Social Policy addressed to elderly people. In the last years, a few regional centers off ered information and some assistance programs targeted to seniors. In addition, the off ers were usually formulated in bureaucratic language, very unfriendly to potential customers.
Katarzyna Ornacka
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 25, Numer 1, 2020, s. 79 - 91
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.20.011.12087Stree tworker in relation with a child ‒ working conditions and tools ‒ some theorethcal and practical remarks
Young people are the most vulnerable group because of their sensitivity and vulnerability to injury. Children have great potential for development and are able to succeed in their future lives, both private and professional, if they have the opportunity to grow up in the right environment and follow a good example. Although the work of a streetworker is non-institutional, like any profession or group, streetworkers are guided by a set of guidelines, norms and rules regarding their behaviour, attitudes, getting in contact with the child and their family, relationships with other streetworkers, etc. They also use a set of tools that serve them to work effectively on the street. These elements play a fundamental role in working with young people. In this paper we will highlight the most important of them. They may become a source of reflection for future streetworkers.
Katarzyna Ornacka
Homo et Societas, Nr 3/2018, 2018, s. 12 - 25
https://doi.org/10.4467/25436104HS.18.002.12303Codzienna praca służb społecznych świadczona na rzecz osób potrzebujących oznacza nie tylko profesjonalizm ich działania, ale także umiejętność podejmowania kluczowych decyzji pozostających w zgodzie z etyką wykonywanego zawodu. Sztuka ta nie jest łatwym działaniem. Mimo zachowanego wysokiego poziomu profesjonalizmu świadczonych usług, czasami ich realizatorzy doświadczają dyskomfortu towarzyszącego im w procesie pomagania. Spełnione są wszystkie wymogi stawiane pracownikom w ich organizacji pracy. Przestrzegają oni procedur i reguł administrowania, respektują procesy zarządzania, uznają wypracowane w zespole pracowniczym normy, wartości, zasady. Szanują przyjęty profesjonalny tok postępowania, gwarantując poprawność wykonywania zawodowych czynności. Nie zawsze jednak ta zawodowa poprawność przynosi satysfakcję. Najczęściej dzieje się to tam, gdzie „sztuka zawodowa” mija się z własnym sumieniem. W koncepcji pomagania, najczęściej zawodzą czynniki o charakterze etyczno-moralnym. Służby społeczne dokonały poprawnego wyboru zgodnego z metodycznym postępowaniem, ale czy wybór był zgodny z etyką zawodu pracownika socjalnego? Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi prezentację niektórych interwencji socjalnych zaburzających relacje między fachowo pomagającym, a Osobą w sytuacji wsparcia i pomocy. Stanowi także odniesienie do uwarunkowań projektujących właściwe relacje w pracy socjalnej.
Katarzyna Ornacka
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 18, Numer 3, 2013, s. 175 - 186
Animal assisted therapy in social work with the elderly as a key to improve the quality of their life
Social work is a profession still searching for more eff ective methods of work that lead to improve the quality of people’s lives. In the area of professional activity nowadays is an animal assisted therapy considered to be the most natural, as based on the direct contact with animals, method used in the process of treatment and rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Many research and inter Katarzyna vention programs incorporated in the United States shown the positive results of the method on people’s well being. The effects are noticeable independently of age, gender and race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or living conditions. Th e answer to the question whether it is possible to introduce this innovative method of work with the elderly in social work in Poland will be presented in our article. In this text a reference is made to our qualitative research we carried out among animal-assisted therapy experts.