Jerzy Jarniewicz
Przekładaniec, Issue 25/2011– Between Miłosz and Milosz, Numery anglojęzyczne, s. 133 - 145
This article discusses Czesław Miłosz’s ambiguous relationship with American beat
and confessional poetry as well as with the counterculture of the 1960s. It focuses
on one of Miłosz’s late poems dedicated to Allen Ginsberg, published in Facing the
River in 1994. The poem, though ostensibly about Ginsberg, is in fact one of the most
confessional poems the Polish poet has ever written, presenting his own life as a failure,
“a discarded tire by the road,” and setting up Ginsberg as an exemplary wiser poet,
“who persisting in folly attained wisdom.” On the one hand, it seems diffi cult not to
see Miłosz and Ginsberg as two very different personalities. On the other hand, Miłosz
saw Ginsberg as the true heir to Whitman, whom he himself had always admired.
The discussion of the poem reveals that Miłosz uses Ginsberg as his own antithesis,
a Yeatsian mask or a Jungian shadow, representing everything that the Polish poet, with
his admitted contempt for any trace of weakness and mental instability, has never been or valued.
Jerzy Jarniewicz
Przekładaniec, Numer 34 – Słowo i obraz w przekładzie 1, 2017, s. 36 - 52 Jarniewicz
Przekładaniec, Numer 25 – Między Miłoszem a Miłoszem, 2011, s. 142 - 154 DISCARDED TIRE BY THE ROAD. OR MIŁOSZ SETTLES UP WITH GINSBERG
The article discusses Czesław Milosz’ ambiguous relationship with American beat and confessional poetry, and with the counterculture of the sixties, focusing on one of his late poems dedicated to Allen Ginsberg published in Facing the River in 1994. The poem, though ostensibly about Ginsberg, is in fact one of the most confessional poems Milosz has ever written, presenting his own life as failure, “a discarded tire by the road”, and setting up Ginsberg as an exemplary wiser poet, “who persisting in folly attained wisdom”. Seemingly, it is hard to think of two more different personalities than Miłosz and Ginsberg. On the other hand, however, Ginsberg was to Miłosz the true heir to Whitman, whom Miłosz has always admired. It is argued here that in the poem discussed, Ginsberg served Miłosz as his antithesis, a Yeatsian mask, or a Jungian shadow, representing everything that Miłosz, with his admitted contempt for any trace of weakness and mental instability, has never been or valued.
Jerzy Jarniewicz
Przekładaniec, Special Issue 2018 – Word and Image in Translation, Numery anglojęzyczne, s. 36 - 51 article examines Catherine Anyango’s and David Zane Mairowitz’s graphic novel Heart of Darkness as an illustration of the differences between the unique possibilities of verbal and visual media. Conrad’s metaphor of Marlow’s story as a misty halo, interpreted here as an autotelic commentary on the text’s elusive meaning, is the starting point for a discussion of visual representations of indeterminacy, which Conrad conceptualizes in visual terms, equating understanding with seeing. Another issue raised is the place of the narrator in visual arts, made problematic by Conrad’s use of two narrators and the story-within-a-story device. It is also argued that the graphic novel, though a sequential medium, makes use of spatial juxtaposition of images, which is not only a source of metaphors, but also creates the effect of simultaneity unavailable to verbal arts.
Jerzy Jarniewicz
Konteksty Kultury, Tom 17 zeszyt 1, 2020, s. 15 - 27ęty w artykule problem transferu kulturowego przybiera najpierw postać pytania o warunki udanego przeszczepienia dzieł literackich, a następnie o kryteria jego oceny. Wśród tych ostatnich autor wyróżnia trzy: wpływ przełożonego dzieła na literaturę języka przekładu, jego krytyczną recepcję oraz udział autora w debatach publicznych. Przeszczepione z sukcesem dzieło staje się elementem „literatury światowej”, kształtowanej jednak zawsze w obrębie określonej (tu: angloamerykańskiej) kultury. Zagadnienia te omówione zostają na konkretnych przykładach tłumaczeń współczesnej literatury polskiej na angielski i formach jej obecności w kulturze angloamerykańskiej, przy czym w centrum uwagi znajduje się nie tylko oddziaływanie przekładów na literaturę kultury docelowej, ale także wpływ tej literatury na przełożone dzieło. Bowiem transfer kulturowy to proces wielokierunkowej osmozy, w którego wyniku zmienia się i dzieło, i jego nowe środowisko.
Jerzy Jarniewicz
Przekładaniec, Numer 41 – Wschód – Zachód. Translacje, 2020, s. 198 - 213 as the Problem of Concrete Poetry
Among various forms of concrete poetry, I have identified two main types. The first one, which was born as an attempt to transgress national languages and create a universal code, by its very definition questions the sense of translation. Yet it does not nullify it, concrete poetry of this type still needs translators as “conveyers”, who select poems and anchor them into new cultural contexts. Since the shape of the poem remains mostly intact, translation is no longer an interlingual activity, but an intercultural one. In the case of the second type of concrete poetry, which I call paronomatic and which due to its metalinguistic complexity renders the poems untranslatable, translators can be redefined as “exegetes”, offering descriptions and interpretations of the poems. The article discusses in detail selected examples of the two types of concrete poetry in translation, demonstrating the variety of the translator’s tasks.