Jarosław Barański
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki, Tom 69, Numer 2, 2024, s. 9 - 32
https://doi.org/10.4467/0023589XKHNT.24.013.19818Jarosław Barański
Medycyna Nowożytna, Tom 30 (2024) Zeszyt 1, 2024, s. 9 - 31
https://doi.org/10.4467/12311960MN.24.001.19689Jarosław Barański
Medycyna Nowożytna, Tom 28 (2022) Zeszyt 2, 2022, s. 11 - 34
https://doi.org/10.4467/12311960MN.22.011.17372About the uniqueness, originality and topicality of Jędrzej Śniadecki’s work „O wychowaniu fizycznem dzieci” („About physical education of children”)
The work „On the physical education of children” is unique because it is a canon of reflection on the physical development of a person in the context of pedagogical and medical knowledge. Śniadecki justified educational and pedagogical guidelines with the physiological theory of which he was the creator. Śniadecki saw the guarantee of health in the development of the abilities of the human body, which was to guarantee physical education. Therefore, it allowed him to boldly identify physical education with medical education, creating the foundations for modern health prevention.
Jarosław Barański
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki, Tom 66, Numer 1, 2021, s. 9 - 23
https://doi.org/10.4467/0023589XKHNT.21.001.13385Jarosław Barański
Medycyna Nowożytna, Tom 25 (2019) Zeszyt 1, 2019, s. 27 - 49
https://doi.org/10.4467/12311960MN.19.002.10755The virtues of a doctor in Polish medical philosophy and ethics in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Moral reflection on medical behavior, particularly on moral values essential to practicing medicine, first appeared in Poland in the 18th century as part of philosophy of morality and moral science. This practical philosophy inspired by stoicism is, most of all, a catalogue of doctor’s virtues and a theoretical premise for the 20-century medical ethics fully expressed by Władysław Biegański and his medical ethics. The first axiological declarations about moral duties of a doctor, which are the expression of such moral philosophy, are associated with Rafał Józef Czerwiakowski and Wincenty Szczucki.