Grzegorz Baran
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 16(3), 2017, s. 51-71 Baran
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 17(4), 2018, s. 7-26 The literature on entrepreneurship indicates the lack of a strong theoretical basis to fully describe and explain this extremely dynamic and future-oriented area. The classic approaches to the organization and management are not always sufficient to solve some wicked problems in the area, which require the interdisciplinary synthesis of various sciences combined with the experience of practice, and often quite new conceptual frameworks.
Research aims. The purpose of this paper is to describe and present the result of the analysis of the relatively new approach to entrepreneurship, which derives from design sciences.
Methodology. The discussion undertaken in the paper is theoretical and methodological, and primarily based on the method of deduction, which referred to the critical literature study has allowed to achieve the research goals.
Key findings. The paper presents the relatively new approach to entrepreneurship, which derives from design sciences and designers’ practice. However, it is being successfully adopted within organization and management sciences to solve open, complex and unambiguous management problems, especially where entrepreneurship and innovation are required. As the result of the reasoning process, the basic rules of design-led approach to entrepreneurship have been identified. They constitute the basis for a conceptual framework of the presented approach.
JEL Codes: O3, M1, L2
Grzegorz Baran
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(1), 2013, s. 159-167
W artykule podjęto próbę wykazania, iż koncepcja współtworzenia wartości z klientami może być skutecznie wykorzystana na rzecz tworzenia wartości społecznej. Idee takie jak społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu czy tworzenie wartości ekonomiczno-społecznej powstały w odpowiedzi na szereg potrzeb i problemów społecznych będących wynikiem skoncentrowania przedsiębiorczości i zarządzania tylko i wyłącznie wokół wartości ekonomicznych. W artykule pokazano, że zaangażowanie klientów stwarza szansę pozytywnej zmiany tej sytuacji.
Grzegorz Baran
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (14), 2011, s. 11-25 article applies to the issue of the growing need for management innovation. The article attempts to demonstrate that management innovation are highly responsible for creating value and strengthening competitiveness. It has been also raised an open question whether cocreating value with customers is one of the symptoms of a profound change in thinking about management.
Rola wizerunku powiatowych urzędów pracy w zarządzaniu relacjami z przedstawicielami sektora biznesu
Grzegorz Baran
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (5) , 2009, s. 71-86
The paper presents reflections on the significance of good and long-lasting relationship between an employment agency and employers as the important group of its customers. The article focuses on how the marketing orientation and good market image of an employment agency may affect relationship between the employment agency and employers as its customers.
The marketing orientation is more and more popular in management both in public and private sector. The relationship management in the public sector is quite different than in the private sector and the business methods need to be changed and adjusted by public managers.
The paper focuses especially on the labour as a specific kind of product offered by employment agencies, thus employment agency managers have to develop new effective marketing and management methods. The ideas, presented in the article, are based both on the marketing management literature and empirical research among customers of two employment agencies.
Grzegorz Baran
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 18 (3), 2019, s. 7-25 Given the specificity and importance of social innovation as the processes of converting novel ideas and solutions of crucial social problems into value for society, they cannot be research and designed if taken out from real‑life environment. A living lab approach has become a promising methodology for social innovation research and design, wich offer means of developing and testing innovations in co‑creation with users and other stakeholders in real‑life settings.
Research aims. Given that a living lab is above all a research and design methodology, this research study is aimed at developing the inquiry processes on which the functioning of a social innovation living laboratory is based and which are the basis of conceptual design research framework.
Methodology. This research study was realized with conceptual research, wherein the existing knowledge was used as a source of reasoning leading to solve the scientific problem. The observing and analyzing existing information on cognitive processes occurring within living laboratories and their interpretation in the light of knowledge about the processes of creating social innovations led to solve the scientific problem.
Key findings. The original conceptual design research framework for a social innovation living lab understood as a research and design methodology. Proposed research framework enables to combine existing knowledge with the experiences from its application for theory testing and further development.
Grzegorz Baran
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (34), 2016, s. 85-97 responsible policy of the local authorities in the area of education
Due to knowledge playing an essential role in development of modern societies, there is an increased interest in the issue of the responsibility of the public authorities for the quality and results of the educational policy. Authors broaden the meaning of responsibility of politicians towards society, referring to CSR concept developed for companies, classical debate between Carl Friedrich and Herman Finer, as well as contemporary concept of “moral public policy”. They expose main shortcomings of social responsibility of public organisations in Poland, using two urban educational policies as examples. They draw attention to superficiality of so called objective policy, concealing the game of current interests, being de facto the manifestation of the lack of real responsibility of public policy.
Grzegorz Baran
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (19), 2012, s. 109-121
Co-creating value with customers as a matter of educational processes evaluation
This article applies to the issue of co-creation as a key factor in the success of the school, and thus the object of evaluation of educational processes. The thesis was that in responsible thinking about school, the most important are not institutional but process aspects. Traditionally it was assumed that organizations create value (in the form of products and services) and exchange it with consumers. That product-centric approach to creating value is being replaced by an individual experience and co-creating value with customers. The school cannot be limited to the place, where the strictly planned process of education occur. Responsible school should be an innovative experiment environment in which all stakeholders share responsibility and are committed to creating value.