Anna Jankowska
Niepełnosprawność, Nr 25 (2017), 2017, s. 149 - 163 of people with intellectual disability – an attempt of theoretical and empirical synthesis
The article is devoted to the issue of diagnosing creativity in individuals with intellectual disability in reference to the assumptions of a social model of disability. The paper discusses the issues of terminology and conceptual framework of intellectual disabilities as well as points out some disadvantages of existing analyses and available data of creativity of people with intellectual disabilities. The results of the analyses have provided some suggestions for further research on the presented issue.
Anna Jankowska
Przekładaniec, Numer 28 – Audiodeskrypcja, 2014, s. 23 - 38, a country of short audio description (AD) tradition, faces two major problems as far as AD implementation is concerned: lack of fi nancing and of experienced audio describers. The article presents the results from a three-stage study carried out in order to prove that translation of scripts written by experienced British audio describers into Polish in not only feasible but also less time- and therefore cost-consuming and in result the translation of audio description scripts could be an alternative method of script creation.