Andrzej Patulski
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Tom 30 Zeszyt 1, Volume 30 (2023), s. 47 - 61 of managers in the quality management system
A certified quality management system is one of the sources of the company’s operational competitive advantage and a factor in the formation of the company’s operational value. In addition, it reduces operational risks associated with, among other things, producer liability and its consequences (marketing, financial). For meeting the requirements of the ISO standard for a quality management system, top management: bears the responsibility associated with specific roles (functional responsibility) and takes responsibility for decisions. In addition, it should act responsibly in the internal and external environment of the organization. In legal terms, responsibility is related to the accountability sanctions in the quality management system, which are derived from its requirements for top management. Accordingly, failure to meet the requirements of the quality management system can be considered an act to the detriment of the owners of the enterprise, for which managers are liable under the terms of the Labor Code.
ASJC: 3308, JEL: K31
Andrzej Patulski
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Tom 28 Zeszyt 1, Volume 28 (2021), s. 73 - 92 character (feature) of labour force in real socialist economy. doctrinal, political and practical dilemmas
This article is an analysis of character of labour fource in real socialist economy. It attempts to answer the question, whether the system of labour fource in real socialist economy was based on the private property of labour force.
ASJC: 3308, JEL: K31
Andrzej Patulski
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Vol. 22, 2015, s. 1 - 1
Selected labor regulations, in particular associated with compliance with occupational health and safety, in specific situations oblige the employer and employee to make immediate changes in work processes. Certain provisions allow the employee (in order to ensure its safety) the cessation of work, while others require from the employer to immediately transfer the employee to another job. These changes do not require that were maintained any procedures relating to the formal written change in working conditions. The article contains a description of the cases in which the modification is permitted immediate method work. The article describes the situation where there is an obligation to transfer the employee to another job, if you have any of the identified symptoms associated with the formation of an occupational disease, with the right to financial compensatory allowance.
Andrzej Patulski
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Tom 24 Zeszyt 2, Volume 24 (2017), s. 165 - 172 – next stage of development or violence legitimated?