Faculté des Lettres Université de Gdansk

Numéro 13 La terre, le territoire, la carte

2018 Next

Publication date: 29.03.2018

Licence: None

Editorial team

Orcid Ewa M. Wierzbowska

Issue content


Fabrizio Di Pasquale

Cahiers ERTA, Numéro 13 La terre, le territoire, la carte , 2018, pp. 9-21


This article proposes a reflection onto Geocriticism and its analysis tools, in order to highlight the importance of the literary text when creating the sense of space. The three concepts of territory, space and place will also be useful as analysis to reflect on the different ways of space representation in French literature and, in a small portion, European literature. Several authors have been considered, such as Honoré de Balzac, Gustave Flaubert, Jules Verne, René Barjavel, but also Miguel de Cervantes and Italo Calvino.

As a method of interdisciplinary analysis, Geocriticism allows the diversification of perspectives in literature: a “multi-focalisation” of places, a poly-sensuous approach to places, a stratigraphic vision of places, and an intertextuality of places. This is why it does not gravitate around only one author or novel, but it concentrates in the referential dimension of fictional spaces. 

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Jin Fenghua

Cahiers ERTA, Numéro 13 La terre, le territoire, la carte , 2018, pp. 23-40


The Saints of the personal pantheon of Maurice Barrès, notably Joan of Arc, Saint Bernadette and the Sibyl of Auxerre, are important in his religious vision: they represent naivety and force, they also represent the link between the visible world and the Invisible world, between the primordial world and the Christian world. Time and space seem transparent for the Saints of Barrès: the past and the present unite in them, the pagan space and the Christian space open for them. The author tries to mix the two spaces in one, so that the forces of the different worlds form a new power, which is stronger than ever before. His writings on these feminine figures show one of the main axes of his religious thought: the coexistence of two spiritual powers.

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Nicolas Rémy

Cahiers ERTA, Numéro 13 La terre, le territoire, la carte , 2018, pp. 41-60


The study of representations of habitat, land and territories in La carte et le Territoire from Michel Houellebecq reveals aesthetic and political patterns that inform us about worldviews conforming or resisting the smoothing that men impose on the spaces they live in. Through an interdisciplinary framework based on Ecocritical Theory, this critical investigation analyzes the imbrication of men and the territories they occupy in order to observe emerging environmental issues in contemporary literature. In addition, a geocritical framework, a literary cartography of sorts, allows me to study spaces seeped in geography and society. In Houellebecq’s novel, dwelling, habitat, architecture, urban planning and modes of living are interconnected. This article is a part of a dissertation which subject is to study the tremors that shake the walls and the territories that humans try to establish as solid and definitive.

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Bianca‐Livia Bartoș

Cahiers ERTA, Numéro 13 La terre, le territoire, la carte , 2018, pp. 61-76


The aim of this paper is to bring into discussion the work of Hervé Bazin, a great novelist of the XXstcentury, drawing on the concept of travelling in his novels. Preferring the telluric universe instead of the river, Hervé Bazin transforms the scene of his novel into a privileged space for writing. And as the writing is original, it demands a continuous resumption and a wide area of each published novel: in this way, the Bazinian character is defined by a spirit of wanderling, being fascinated by Ether, this empty space that he fills in with his creative mind and with the dynamism of his self.

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Łukasz Maślanka

Cahiers ERTA, Numéro 13 La terre, le territoire, la carte , 2018, pp. 79-93


The history of Russia still attracts a lot of interest and excitement. Often Western people’s perception of this country seems contentious to us, in Poland. The aim of my paper is to familiarise the reader with its depiction of the eminent Savoyard conservative philosopher Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821). De Maistre spent 14 years in St. Petersburg (1803-1817), during which period the Napoleonic wars, and then the final defeat of the French Emperor, thoroughly demolished the geopolitical and ideological aspects of the Old Continent.  I have engaged myself in reconstruction, based on a number of dispersed sources (archives, correspondence, texts, studies), of some political and religious paradoxes and utopias which result of  Joseph de Maistre’s overall vision of the Russian state.

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