Faculté des Lettres Université de Gdansk

Houellebecq entre les murs : habitat, urbanisme, architecture

Publication date: 30.03.2018

Cahiers ERTA, 2018, Numéro 13 La terre, le territoire, la carte , pp. 41 - 60



Nicolas Rémy
Emory University à Atlanta, USA
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Houellebecq entre les murs : habitat, urbanisme, architecture


The study of representations of habitat, land and territories in La carte et le Territoire from Michel Houellebecq reveals aesthetic and political patterns that inform us about worldviews conforming or resisting the smoothing that men impose on the spaces they live in. Through an interdisciplinary framework based on Ecocritical Theory, this critical investigation analyzes the imbrication of men and the territories they occupy in order to observe emerging environmental issues in contemporary literature. In addition, a geocritical framework, a literary cartography of sorts, allows me to study spaces seeped in geography and society. In Houellebecq’s novel, dwelling, habitat, architecture, urban planning and modes of living are interconnected. This article is a part of a dissertation which subject is to study the tremors that shake the walls and the territories that humans try to establish as solid and definitive.


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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2018, Numéro 13 La terre, le territoire, la carte , pp. 41 - 60

Article type: Original article


French: Houellebecq entre les murs : habitat, urbanisme, architecture
Houellebecq in between walls : Habitat, Urbanism, Architecture


Emory University à Atlanta, USA

Published at: 30.03.2018

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Nicolas Rémy (Author) - 100%

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View count: 1550

Number of downloads: 1764

Houellebecq entre les murs : habitat, urbanisme, architecture