Citizen Journalism as an Element of the Public Sphere. Origin, Hopes, Diversity
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEDziennikarstwo obywatelskie jako element sfery publicznej. Powstanie, nadzieje, różnorodność
Publication date: 02.09.2019
Media Research Issues, 2019, Volume 62, Issue 3 (239), pp. 11 - 24
Dziennikarstwo obywatelskie jako element sfery publicznej. Powstanie, nadzieje, różnorodność
Citizen Journalism as an Element of the Public Sphere. Origin, Hopes, Diversity
Digital citizen journalism aroused high hopes. It was announced that everyone would be able to express his opinion, each vote would be an equal part of the discussion, and any falsehoods would be quickly stigmatized. Although this did not happen, examples show that amateur messages are an important part of the public sphere and provide material for data journalism. The aim of the article is to draw attention to the opportunities that the emergence of digital citizen journalism brings to the contemporary public sphere. Examples of such journalism were sought on Facebook, on websites of well-known newspapers, and on online news services. The analysis covered only eight days, but even during this brief period publications with features of journalistic messages and fulfilling journalistic functions were found.
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Information: Media Research Issues, 2019, Volume 62, Issue 3 (239), pp. 11 - 24
Article type: Original article
Dziennikarstwo obywatelskie jako element sfery publicznej. Powstanie, nadzieje, różnorodność
Citizen Journalism as an Element of the Public Sphere. Origin, Hopes, Diversity
University of Rzeszow, Aleja Rejtana 16c 35-959 Rzeszów, Poloand
Published at: 02.09.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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