Issue 4 (2015)

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Publication date: 23.06.2015

Licence: None

Editorial team

Volume editors Zofia Berdychowska, Robert Kołodziej, Paweł Zarychta

Issue content

Grzegorz Chromik

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 4 (2015), 2015, pp. 247-260


The former German Language Island Markowa (Eastern Poland) was grounded in the 14th century. There is only one written testimony of its language preserved – the Court Book. In was written in 16th and 17th century by two writters. The second one was the local priest Thomas Kraus who was born in the neighbor village of Albigowa. The language of the Court book consists many characteristics of the Central German.

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Magdalena Zofia Feret

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 4 (2015), 2015, pp. 261-272


The aim of this paper is to show how the dimensions of imagery, one of the most important human cognitive abilities, can be expressed, that is to consider the impact this ability can have on the process of text production and its understanding in translation. It is presented on the example of the novella by Thomas Mann A Man and His Dog and its translation into Polish by Leopold Staff how the cognitve translation theory based on the cognitive grammar of Langacker (1987, 1991) can be applied to translation analysis. First, the terms conceptualization and imagery are introduced and explained from the cognitive perspective and the dimensions of imagery: selection, abstraction and perspective are desribed. Based on this, the results of the analysis of examples selected from the novella by Thomas Mann and its Polish translation are presented.

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Anna Górajek

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 4 (2015), 2015, pp. 273-280

The political activity of the former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder is shown – in the article – as an example of possibility of interpretation of the historical phenomena. We compared chancellor’s Polish politics with the image fixed in the Polish people collective memory. Also the different Polish and German historical memory was indicated as a factor which have an influence on contemporary politics for example towards Russia.
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Marzena Górecka

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 4 (2015), 2015, pp. 281-293

The German literary heritage from the period between Middle Ages and Modern Times (8th-17th cc.) has an unquestionably high status in German Studies in the German-speaking countries. Hence, German Medieval Studies are widely acknowledged as an indisputably vital research domain. Austrian, German and Swiss academic institutions recognize German Medieval Studies as one of the three main autonomous components in German Studies – the other two being modern German Literature and Linguistics. This division is also mirrored in the academic curricula and the regulations concerning the scope of academic examinations. German Medieval Studies have a completely different status in countries other than the above, including Poland. In Poland, there can be no mention of institutional equality between the three components listed above. As can be inferred from the changes affecting the majority of programmes offered by the Institutes of German all around Poland, academic curricula seem to increasingly marginalize the early German literary legacy. The knowledge about the Medieval, Modern or Baroque texts is presented mostly, and sometimes exclusively, through curricular lectures. In some academic programmes, literature starts with the 18th century texts onward. This marginalized status of German Medieval Studies in the Polish Academia manifests itself correspondingly in the two branches of research: specializations and publications. Drawing upon the relevant German and English-language literature, the author of this paper would like to convince the Polish milieus of the specialists in German Studies of how important Old German literature is. The author also puts forward a postulate that in both the scientific and the didactic discourse within German Studies, the early German literary legacy should be given the position it rightly deserves. 
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Beata Grzeszczakowska-Pawlikowska

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 4 (2015), 2015, pp. 295-307

The Bologna Accords have introduced a series of changes which aimed to restructure education and led to the creation of the European Higher Education Area. One of the effects brought about by the Bologna Accord is a decrease of significance of scientific research at the BA level. Numerous academic courses, German philology included, are torn between their traditional teaching methods and orientation towards practical aspects. In order to resolve this conflict, one should address the question of what content needs to be introduced into the syllabus of German philology studies so as to minimise this clash. A considerable deficit can be observed among other fields also in the domain of rhetoric, which is understood here as a skill of intentional goal-oriented communication ranging from monologue to dialogue and including presentations, reports (monologue) as well as discussions and debates (dialogue).
The following paper attempts to highlight the most important aspects of rhetorical education and to propose preliminary didactic and methodological solutions that could be implemented in German philology courses.
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Lucjan Meissner

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 4 (2015), 2015, pp. 309-318


The subject of the article is the ratification by Bundestag in may 1972 of the agreement between Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany about the normalization of their relationships. This agreement, however was criticized by the then opposition CDU/CSU-fraction, finally was accepted, because of the pression by the allies Germany, but mainly USA. The article exposes the role of Chancellor Willy Brandt as the main advocate of agreement and reconciliation between Poland and Germany.

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Tomasz G. Pszczółkowski

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 4 (2015), 2015, pp. 319-329


The author presents his understanding of Cultural Studies as an academic field that integrates various disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences. On the basis of such a conception of Cultural Science he proposes the concept of Kulturkomparatistik, which goes beyond its conventional philological meaning and enables comparative research outside of Linguistics and Literary Studies. Based on the OECD classification of the Revised Fields of Science and Technology, the author prepares taxonomy of Social Sciences and Culture, which can be compared with each other in two or more countries. The author points out the importance of cultural comparison for raising students’ awareness for the “Other” and the experience of “Foreignness”, for the development of attitudes of tolerance and empathy, as well as the applicability of the results in the social and political practice in each country.

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Paweł Zarychta

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 4 (2015), 2015, pp. 331-340

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