Issue 1(2014)


2014 Next

Publication date: 21.04.2014

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Zofia Berdychowska

Volume editors Zofia Berdychowska, Robert Kołodziej, Paweł Zarychta

Issue content

Anne Betten

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 1(2014), 2014, pp. 1-12


Based on about 250 narrative interviews, the article describes the language biographies and cultural identities of Jewish emigrants from German speaking countries in Israel, 60 years after the cultural break of Nazi persecution. It focuses on the influence of external factors (like family-background in Europe, forms of settlement, partnerships, friends, jobs etc. in the new surroundings) on the acquisition of Hebrew and the maintenance of a mostly very educated and correct German in the 1st generation. Additional analyses illustrate the interdependence of language attitudes and abilities in the 2nd generation, who often acquired German as children in the family, but were ashamed of it during their adolescence.

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Barbara Duda

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 1(2014), 2014, pp. 13-21


Each natural language is constantly developing as long as it is used. But the development clearly shows that not everything from the language disappears completely. Many words cease to be independent and start existing as elements of compounds, as prefixes or suffixes without their independent meaning. The lost vocabulary, however, leaves traces in the language. Where can we find them? They can be found in compounds, proper nouns, names of professions, job, places etc. as well as fixed idioms.

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Andrzej S. Feret

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 1(2014), 2014, pp. 23-32


The aim of this paper is semantic classification of German loan words in the Polish language at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. Its research body is the press, published in the period 1890–1910 in Cracow, in the former Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. This is the time in which Galicia as a part of Austria-Hungary enjoys since 1873 under Polish leadership the complete autonomy. The influence of German is no more as strong as in the pre-autonomous period but it is still there. It comes over in the form of foreign words, borrowings and more or less successful translation loans, which, although constructed of native lexemes of Polish, show their German origin clearly. The paper tries to show which areas of daily life were subject to the greatest influence of German vocabulary and the ways how the assimilation took place.

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Christof Hamann

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 1(2014), 2014, pp. 33-41


The article examines the topology of space in Volker Kutscher’s historical crime novel „Die Akte Vaterland“ (2012). Drawing on Jurij Lotman’s structural-semiotic approach to literary space the article focuses on two pivotal topologies: the topology of nature and civilization as established through the perspective of the ambivalent figure Topala and the national topology. While the prologue of the novel seems to point at the possible existence of a place outside of national membership, the epilogue finally denies spaces which are deprived of the national(ist) topological order.

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Ernest Kuczyński

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 1(2014), 2014, pp. 43-55

Jürgen Fuchs (1950–1999) was born in the GDR and was a writer, journalist, essayist, peace movement activist and psychologist. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 Fuchs was the most important author living in the forced emigration. In 1976 Fuchs was arrested by the Ministry for State Security. The reason for prosecution was political. The government deprived of his citizenship and send him to the West Germany. The basis of the exile was connected with long conflict between authorities and Fuchs litetature. The article shows the biography, creation and political activity of J. Fuchs who was known in the 21st century mainly as a dissident and political author meanwhile he was a writer focused on GDR and the settlement with German dictatorship. This contribution explains the reason of difficult reception of his heritage and encourages the thinking about East Germany legacy. 
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Dieter Schenk

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 1(2014), 2014, pp. 57-73

Until 2005 just 3,9 percent of 172 294 known Nazi criminals have been sentencend. Just 1147 among them have been sentenced for homicide. It’s a disgrace. One may rightly say, Germany has become guilty for a second time. 30 percent of Germans thought of the Nuremberg Trials as being a relapse into barbarism. At least. 40 percent thought sentences were excessive. There’s one essential reason for law enforcement being a failure: Many former Nazis returned to West Germany’s public service. The so-called denazification was a farce. During the 1950s the Allies were in favor of former SS and Gestapo members being integrated into justice and police forces, as with the Cold War escalating there was a need for ‚specialists‘ fighting communism. Even though there were some show trials in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), former Nazis were adopted to East Germany’s public service. Thus, in 1951 16,1 percent of officials in the SED-Party had been members of the NSDAP. In the 1990s former Nazis have lost their influence on German public life. Nowadays there’s a broad consensus on how to condemn Nationalsocialism.
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Odile Schneider-Mizony

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 1(2014), 2014, pp. 75-88


The contribution examines how the paradigms of historical, conflict, contact and ecolinguistics respectively shed different light on the relation between German and French as neighbouring languages. Historical linguistics sees the neighbourly language contacts as the result of bellicose and societal interferences; conflict linguistics centres on tensions and dominance behaviour between governments and linguistic enclaves or linguistic minorities. Contact linguistics takes account of the fact that any change in neighbourly language situations could also be seen as the result of conflict-free societal changes. Ecolinguistics follows this perspective on frame conditions – instead of historically important events – still more thoroughly, and its research focus on „linguistic landscape“ exposes bilingual landscapes as compensation for the loss of bilingualism. The survey shows after all that conflict linguistics is not the only fertile description of neighbourly language relations.

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Anna Warakomska

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Issue 1(2014), 2014, pp. 89-101

Hayden White takes the position that our knowledge of reality is not pure, but it has got a narrative character, which depends on the language. Also humanities, which in opposition to the natural sciences has been defined as verstehende (understanding ones) are in his opinion the subject to this rule. White tries to show his theories on the example of historical science, and strictly speaking on the example of historiography, which he sees as unconditionally narrative. His approach seems to be interesting for experts in German culture and society especially because he examines significant works of German historians and skillfully explains German culture and also because with his theories he opens the new paradigms of research and application areas. In the following text the author recalls White’s theories and their critique, hoping for reflection in a wide circle of participants. 
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