Teatr Dramatyczny im. Aleksandra Węgierki w Białymstoku w opiniach odbiorców kultury

Publication date: 24.10.2019

Culture Management, 2019, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 411-430



Martyna Faustyna Zaniewska
The Aleksander Węgierko Drama Theatre, Elektryczna 12, 15-080 Białystok (Poland)
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4106-4540 Orcid
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Teatr Dramatyczny im. Aleksandra Węgierki w Białymstoku w opiniach odbiorców kultury


The Aleksander Wegierko Drama Theater in Bialystok in the Opinions of Recipients of Culture

The Aleksander Wegierko Drama Theater in Bialystok is one of the oldest and largest cultural institutions in Bialystok. The offer of local institutions allows theater enthusiasts to choose from a variety of proposals. How to reach viewers? How to encourage them to come exactly to the Drama Theater? Until 2012, the research on consumer preferences was not conducted in this institution. Almost seven years ago, in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the University of Bialystok and the “SocLab” Foundation, the study was carried out and the report “Diagnosis of participation in culture in the Podlasie Voivodship” was create. The aim of the whole project was to learn about the cultural needs of the inhabitants of the Podlasie region, as well as their opinions on artistic activity and the image of cultural institutions.

After six years – in 2018 – the theater staff decided to ask the viewers again to share their opinions about the institution. In May last year, a study entitled “Theater in the opinions of theviewers” was conducted. Thanks to all the information, the institution managed to find out how audience rate it’s offer, what are the expectations regarding future repertoire proposals, as well as from what communication channels viewers obtain information about the operations of the institution. The article aims to describe the most important research results also it presents the distribution channels used to inform about the offer of the Drama Theater. 


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Poleszczuk J., Sztop-Rutkowska K., Kiszkiel Ł., Klimczuk A., Mejsak R.J., Winiecka K. (2012), Diagnoza partycypacji w kulturze w wojedztwie podlaskim, Białystok: Teatr Dramatyczny im. Aleksandra Węgierki w Białymstoku, Fundacja Laboratorium Badań i Działań Społecznych „SocLab”, Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.

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Information: Culture Management, 2019, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 411-430

Article type: Original article


Teatr Dramatyczny im. Aleksandra Węgierki w Białymstoku w opiniach odbiorców kultury
The Aleksander Wegierko Drama Theater in Bialystok in the Opinions of Recipients of Culture



Martyna Faustyna Zaniewska
The Aleksander Węgierko Drama Theatre, Elektryczna 12, 15-080 Białystok (Poland)
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4106-4540 Orcid
All publications →

The Aleksander Węgierko Drama Theatre, Elektryczna 12, 15-080 Białystok (Poland)

Published at: 24.10.2019

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Martyna Faustyna Zaniewska (Author) - 100%

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