The impact of the first global financial crisis in the 20th century on the Hungarian regional employment inequalities
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe impact of the first global financial crisis in the 20th century on the Hungarian regional employment inequalities
Publication date: 2011
Public Management, 2011, Issue 4 (16), pp. 119 - 132
The impact of the first global financial crisis in the 20th century on the Hungarian regional employment inequalities
The crisis is a sign that current driving forces of development are wearing out, and the former mentality can no longer be successful either. The crisis highlights that new driving forces should be found and different mentality is necessary to build an acceptable future for the major part of the society. Although the crisis itself is a negative process, it incorporates the possibility of future recovery and the hope of a new beginning. The lack of changes facilitating social renewal has caused major damages recently because the outdated thinking and the lack of appropriate regulatory instruments damage nature and the base necessary for our life [Nováky, 2011]. The researcher’s responsibilities are not only to determine the facts and relationships, but to seek for constructive solutions, and to help apply it by the economic policy. This is not necessarily a political attitude, even though it is indisputable that the economic analysis of public policy includes the use of substantive – normative and positive – theories, but on the other hand, it requires a specific theory-building strategy [Csontos, 1997]. The study reviews the causes of regional labour market disparities looking back to the time of regime change, and analyse the effect of the 2008 financial crisis on regional employment.
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Information: Public Management, 2011, Issue 4 (16), pp. 119 - 132
Article type: Original article
The impact of the first global financial crisis in the 20th century on the Hungarian regional employment inequalities
The impact of the first global financial crisis in the 20th century on the Hungarian regional employment inequalities
University of Miskolc
Published at: 2011
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 1683
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