Innovation in a cultural institution – a case study of the Baj Theatre in Warsaw
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEInnowacje w instytucji kultury na przykładzie Teatru Baj w Warszawie
Publication date: 2011
Public Management, 2011, Issue 3 (15), pp. 73 - 82
Innowacje w instytucji kultury na przykładzie Teatru Baj w Warszawie
This article is the case study of a public cultural institution, which after years of stagnation made an attempt to accept a challenge of participating in a considerable international project. The goal of the research was to defi ne reasons for taking this decision, problems which occured during introducing the project and consequences for the institution after the implementation of this innovation.
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Information: Public Management, 2011, Issue 3 (15), pp. 73 - 82
Article type: Original article
Innowacje w instytucji kultury na przykładzie Teatru Baj w Warszawie
Innovation in a cultural institution – a case study of the Baj Theatre in Warsaw
Published at: 2011
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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