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Development of NGO Sector within the Context of EU Driven Public Policies Implementation in Poland

Publication date: 28.11.2014

Public Management, 2014, Issue 3 (27), pp. 285 - 294



Agnieszka Biernat-Jarka
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa, Poland
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Janusz Dąbrowski
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Development of NGO Sector within the Context of EU Driven Public Policies Implementation in Poland


The objective of the paper is to carry out preliminary review of project management approach introduced into the sphere of public management in Poland by the EU programming policy. One of driving forces of this new approach as a result of the EU infl uence was to develop new culture within the Polish public management system. Key element of  the new culture is delegating part of public policies delivery for the NGO sector on project basis.
Our review indicates quite complex picture with some key features of particular importance: a) project approach enforced trends for professionalization and growing up of size/budgets of some NGOs through high procedural and fi nancial requirement to be met by NGOs to apply and successfully implement projects; b) however, the same  equirement created a formal institutional wall for smaller organizations; c) it seems that some concerns related to overdependence of NGOs to donors at the expense of bottom-up identifi ed areas of interventions proved to be to overdue. Programmes provides really wide spectrum of “translation” of local needs into EU programmes languages.


Analyses of structure of job offers for the last 18 months, www.ngo.pl (website focused on job in NGOs sectors covering Poland, access: 15.11.2013).
In-depth interviews with owners of three NGOs described as case studies in this report (under request from respondents of strict anonymity). IDI were followed up by telephone interviews with.
Ocena funkcjonowania lokalnych grup działania realizujących lokalną strategię w ramach PROW 2007–2013, MRiRW, Warszawa.
Przewłocka J., Adamiak P., Herbst J. (2013), Podstawowe fakty o organizacjach pozarządowych – raport z badania 2012, Warszawa: Stowarzyszenie Klon/Jawor.


Information: Public Management, 2014, Issue 3 (27), pp. 285 - 294

Article type: Original article



Development of NGO Sector within the Context of EU Driven Public Policies Implementation in Poland


Development of NGO Sector within the Context of EU Driven Public Policies Implementation in Poland


Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa, Poland

Published at: 28.11.2014

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Agnieszka Biernat-Jarka (Author) - 50%
Janusz Dąbrowski (Author) - 50%

Article corrections:


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