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Crowdsourcing – konsekwencje dla rynku pracy artystów

Publication date: 05.07.2018

Public Management, 2018, Issue 2 (42), pp. 185 - 194



Katarzyna Dorota Kopeć
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera w Krakowie
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Crowdsourcing – konsekwencje dla rynku pracy artystów


Crowdsourcing – consequences for artists’ labour market

Internet essentially stimulates the way the labour market has been transforming. It makes it possible to mobilize the crowds of web users to work or collaborate on a project differently than conventional organisations used to do. The paper looks at crowdsourcing as a mechanism that gives widespread flexibility of labour conditions and of the types of workers. In particular it discusses the key changes within the artists’ labour market at the time of the growing fame of the Internet including the crowdsourcing cases.


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Information: Public Management, 2018, Issue 2 (42), pp. 185 - 194

Article type: Original article



Crowdsourcing – konsekwencje dla rynku pracy artystów


Crowdsourcing – consequences for artists’ labour market


Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland

Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera w Krakowie

Published at: 05.07.2018

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

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Katarzyna Dorota Kopeć (Author) - 100%

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<p> Crowdsourcing – consequences for artists’ labour market</p>