Constructing reality through language. Russia in the Western Arctic discourse
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Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies), 2024, Volume 18, pp. 339 - 358
Constructing reality through language. Russia in the Western Arctic discourse
The Arctic has often been viewed as a region insulated from broader global conflicts, a concept known as ‘Arctic exceptionalism’. However, Russia’s full‑ scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has challenged this notion, leading to growing tensions and increased militarisation. This study uses a poststructuralist framework to analyse the Arctic strategies published by Western Arctic states between 2006 and 2024, treating these strategies as key speech acts that construct political meaning. Discourse analysis, facilitated by AntConc software, examines how Western Arctic states frame Russia and how these narratives have evolved. The findings reveal a shift from portraying Russia as a cooperative partner to an increasingly militarised and expansionist actor. This shift reflects contrasting approaches – Western states focus on multilateralism and international law, while Russia emphasises sovereignty and military power. The poststructuralist approach highlights how discourse actively constructs Arctic political realities, influencing power dynamics and regional stability.
Future Arctic governance depends on resolving broader political tensions, but meaningful re–engagement with Russia remains uncertain. Sustaining multilateralism and adherence to international law will be crucial to counter destabilising narratives and support a cooperative and peaceful Arctic.
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Information: Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies), 2024, Volume 18, pp. 339 - 358
Article type: Original article
University of Wroclaw
Published at: 2024
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-SA
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