Zatrzaśnięte ciała, zatrzaśnięte dusze. Freud, Nancy, Jelinek

Publication date: 2023

Wielogłos, 2022, Issue 4 (54) 2022: Psychoanaliza i literatura. Metamorfozy dogmatu, pp. 61 - 73



Adam Lipszyc
Institute of Philosophy nd Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6425-7812 Orcid
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Zatrzaśnięte ciała, zatrzaśnięte dusze. Freud, Nancy, Jelinek


Locked-Up Bodies, Locked-Up Souls: Freud, Nancy, Jelinek

Taking as his point of departure Sigmund Freud’s famous remark on the extension of the psyche, in the first part of the article the author develops the idea of the relation between “soul,” body and space in the psychoanalytical tradition. In doing so, he refers to the interpretation given to Freud’s remark by Jean-Luc Nancy. Crucially modifying Nancy’s perspective and moving back to the psychoanalytic tradition, the author develops a general notion of das Unbehagen im Raum – the discomfort felt in space. In the second part, the author deepens this analysis by looking at a certain desperate strategy of confronting this discomfort – a strategy adopted by the protagonist of The Piano Teacher, a novel by Elfriede Jelinek.


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Information: Wielogłos, 2022, Issue 4 (54) 2022: Psychoanaliza i literatura. Metamorfozy dogmatu, pp. 61 - 73

Article type: Original article



Zatrzaśnięte ciała, zatrzaśnięte dusze. Freud, Nancy, Jelinek


Locked-Up Bodies, Locked-Up Souls: Freud, Nancy, Jelinek



Adam Lipszyc
Institute of Philosophy nd Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6425-7812 Orcid
All publications →

Institute of Philosophy nd Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa

Published at: 2023

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY  licence icon

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Adam Lipszyc (Author) - 100%

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View count: 470

Number of downloads: 319

<p> Locked-Up Bodies, Locked-Up Souls: Freud, Nancy, Jelinek</p>