Szymborska Zen?

Publication date: 06.03.2017

Wielogłos, 2016, Issue 3 (29) 2016: Szymborska – po latach, pp. 41 - 54



Luigi Marinelli
Uniwersytet Sapienza w Rzymie
All publications →


Szymborska Zen?


Szymborska Zen?

On the basis of reading Szymborska’s poems, Lektury nadobowiązkowe (Non-required Reading) and some auto-thematic reflections from interviews, and referring to – among other things – the conceptions of “ordinary Buddhism” proposed by the French writer Hervé Clerc and “spontaneous enlightenment,” which the Italian scholar of Chán/Zen Aldo Tollini uses in relation to the writing of Luigi Pirandello, the author suggests that the poetic world of Wisława Szymborska is deeply immersed in Zen philosophy. There are some fundamental concepts of Zen thought that shed an interesting light on the general message of this poetry, pointing out many similarities and affinities. This concerns, for example, the ironic and antiphrastic conception of poetic language, the relation between poetry and reality, as well as the method of experiencing the world based on distance and doubt.


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Penna S., Tutte le poesie, Milano 1970.

Pirandello L., Jeden, nikt i sto tysięcy, przeł.J. Ugniewska, Warszawa 2011.

Sandauer A., Pogodzona z historią [w:] Radość czytania Szymborskiej. Wybór tekstów krytycznych, red. S. Balbus, D. Wojda, Kraków 1996.

Suzuki D.T., An Introduction to Zen Buddhism, London 1934.

Suzuki D.T., Introduzione al Buddismo Zen, prefaz. C.G. Jung, Roma 1970.

Szymborska W., Poczta literacka, Kraków 2000.

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Szymborska W., Wszystkie lektury nadobowiązkowe, Kraków 2015.

Tollini A., Lo Zen. Storia, scuole, testi, Torino 2012.

Tuttle, Tokyo 1957, także on-line w: http://www.101zenstories.org/inch-time-foot-gem/ [dostęp: 10.03.2017].

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Information: Wielogłos, 2016, Issue 3 (29) 2016: Szymborska – po latach, pp. 41 - 54

Article type: Original article



Szymborska Zen?


Szymborska Zen?


Uniwersytet Sapienza w Rzymie

Published at: 06.03.2017

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Luigi Marinelli (Author) - 100%

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<p> Szymborska Zen?</p>