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Terrorist attacks, major incidents and critical infrastructure. Observations from Berlin

Publication date: 08.10.2024

Terrorism – studies, analyses, prevention, 2024, Issue 6 (6), pp. 541 - 551



Damian Szlachter
Polish Association for National Security, Poland
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2763-9325 Orcid
All publications →
Paul Fröhlich
Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin)
, Germany
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Terrorist attacks, major incidents and critical infrastructure. Observations from Berlin


Dramatic security incidents, such as terrorist attacks, generate widespread public interest. They arouse strong emotions, on the wave of which there are appeals to the authorities to counter threats more effectively, passionate demands for changes and declarations of their introduction. This usually lasts for a few months and then the topic goes quiet. In the interview, Paul Fröhlich from the Operations Division of the Berlin Police, an expert in the EU Protective Security Advisors programme, refers to a figurative term for this phenomenon - disaster dementia. He suggests ways to counter it, mentioning, among other things, the lessons learned and lessons identified by the Berlin police after the terrorist attack on the Berlin Christmas market. He emphasises the importance of being prepared for crises not only at national but also at individual level and the role of institutional and non-institutional cooperation.


Information: Terrorism – studies, analyses, prevention, 2024, Issue 6 (6), pp. 541 - 551

Article type: Others noncitable


English: Terrorist attacks, major incidents and critical infrastructure. Observations from Berlin
Polish: Ataki terrorystyczne, poważne incydenty i infrastruktura krytyczna. Spostrzeżenia z Berlina



Damian Szlachter
Polish Association for National Security, Poland
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2763-9325 Orcid
All publications →

Polish Association for National Security, Poland

Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin)

Published at: 08.10.2024

Article status: Open

Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Damian Szlachter (Author) - 50%
Paul Fröhlich (Author) - 50%

Information about author:

He is a Protective Security Advisor (EU PSA) and part of a corresponding pool of experts founded by the European Commission (DG HOME). Since 2019, he has held a teaching position at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.
He has 28 years of service with the Berlin Police (currently in Operations Division), with responsibilities in relation to major incident proceeding. This includes conceptualisation, command and control, enabling exercises, projects and working groups, primarily focusing on attacks, mass casualty incidents and related major incidents.

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