Logo of the Internal Security Agency (ABW), Poland

Academic Editorial Board

Academic Editorial Board members

Sebastian Wojciechowski, Professor
Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute for Western Affairs in Poznań, Poland

Waldemar Zubrzycki, Professor
Police Academy in Szczytno, Poland

Aleksandra Gasztold, Associate Professor (PhD with habilitation)
University of Warsaw, Poland


Ryszard Machnikowski, Associate Professor (PhD with habilitation)
University of Lodz, Poland


Barbara Wiśniewska-Paź, Associate Professor (PhD with habilitation)
University of Wrocław, Poland


Agata Tyburska  (PhD with habilitation)
Police Academy in Szczytno, Poland


Piotr Burczaniuk, PhD
Internal Security Agency, Poland


Jarosław Jabłoński, PhD
Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, Poland


dr Anna Matczak, PhD
The Hague University of Applied Sciences  (The Hague, Netherlands)


Paulina Piasecka, PhD
Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland