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How to efficiently share counterterrorism knowledge? Lessons learned, best practices and NATO DEEP eAcademy recommendations

Publication date: 08.10.2024

Terrorism – studies, analyses, prevention, 2024, Issue 6 (6), pp. 531 - 539



Damian Szlachter
Polish Association for National Security, Poland
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2763-9325 Orcid
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Piotr Gawliczek
NATO DEEP eAcademy
All publications →


How to efficiently share counterterrorism knowledge? Lessons learned, best practices and NATO DEEP eAcademy recommendations


Experience in recent years, including intense technological development and the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to an increased interest in web-based training. E-learning allows learners to absorb knowledge at a pace that is tailored to their abilities and teachers to be more flexible in their delivery. The same circumstances that have created new forms of learning and working in a technologically developed society have triggered the rise of hybrid threats and given terrorists modern tools. In response to this trend the North Atlantic Alliance established, among others, NATO DEEP eAcademy – an entity from the sphere of education and training, whose task is to develop optimal solutions for implementing the assumptions of NATO Defence Education Enhancement Programme, i.e. a programme supporting the transformation of the military education systems of NATO partner countries. The director of this institution, Prof. Piotr Gawliczek, talks about what NATO DEEP eAcademy offers these countries and the Polish contribution to this project.


Information: Terrorism – studies, analyses, prevention, 2024, Issue 6 (6), pp. 531 - 539

Article type: Others noncitable


English: How to efficiently share counterterrorism knowledge? Lessons learned, best practices and NATO DEEP eAcademy recommendations
Polish: Jak skutecznie dzielić się wiedzą na temat zwalczania terroryzmu? Wnioski, dobre praktyki i zalecenia NATO DEEP eAcademy



Damian Szlachter
Polish Association for National Security, Poland
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2763-9325 Orcid
All publications →

Polish Association for National Security, Poland

NATO DEEP eAcademy

Published at: 08.10.2024

Article status: Open

Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Damian Szlachter (Author) - 50%
Piotr Gawliczek (Author) - 50%

Information about author:

NATO DEEP eAcademy Director (since 2020). He has implemented e-learning/ADL system solutions, based on the LMS ILIAS and the BigBlueButton platforms, in many military and civilian educational entities. His research activities are focused on Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), information and communications technologies (ICT), mobile learning and AI/VR/AR/MR solutions within education and training ecosystem. He has written numerous publications on questions of e-learning, Bologna Process, asymmetric threats, and leadership. Doctor Honoris Causa (2020) of the National Defence University of Ukraine in Kyiv, Honorary Professor (2023) of the National Defence University of Ukraine in Kyiv, and Professor Honoris Causa (2023) of the Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute – ZMI.

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