The loyalty of Polish society and the consolidation of state power in 1956–1980
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RIS BIB ENDNOTELojalność społeczeństwa polskiego a konsolidacja władzy państwowej w latach 1956–1980
Publication date: 2021
Studia Historica Gedanensia, 2021, Vol. 12 (2021)/1, pp. 462-473
Lojalność społeczeństwa polskiego a konsolidacja władzy państwowej w latach 1956–1980
The loyalty of Polish society and the consolidation of state power in 1956–1980
The article introduces several comments and reflections on the tensions between the state power and society in People’s Poland in 1956–1980, in the context of the consolidation of power and loyalty of society. During this period, the party and state authorities, wishing to maximally consolidate their power, did everything to achieve the ability and readiness to use all means necessary to control social behavior, to maintain the loyalty of society. It required total ideological unity of the party political elite and iron discipline in the functioning of its institutions. Such a strategy did not prevent social outbreaks. The emerging protests meant above all a real loss of control over society, social disorganization. Wishing to enjoy the loyalty of a society devoid of political alternatives, in other words its tacit consent, it would have to provide it with a certain level of living conditions. However, this task was very difficult, if at all possible, to be implemented in the realities of the centrally planned economy.
Information: Studia Historica Gedanensia, 2021, Vol. 12 (2021)/1, pp. 462-473
Article type: Original article
Lojalność społeczeństwa polskiego a konsolidacja władzy państwowej w latach 1956–1980
The loyalty of Polish society and the consolidation of state power in 1956–1980
Faculty of History, University of Gdańsk, 80-952 Gdańsk, Wita Stwosza 55
Published at: 2021
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 658
Number of downloads: 463