Surveillance and Security in Immigrant Detention Centres in Poland. An Overview of Key Technologies and Practices
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RIS BIB ENDNOTESurveillance and Security in Immigrant Detention Centres in Poland. An Overview of Key Technologies and Practices
Publication date: 12.2022
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, 2022 (XLVIII), Vol. 4 (186), pp. 53 - 71
Surveillance and Security in Immigrant Detention Centres in Poland. An Overview of Key Technologies and Practices
Guarded Centres for Foreigners are the key instrument of detention policy in Poland. They are often considered as one of the key and at the same time most secretive forms of securitization and criminalization of foreigners. With panoptical practices of (in)direct observation and robust electronic surveillance the centres are tasked with containing and producing a (self)disciplined, knowable, governable and deportable immigrant, who can be swiftly expelled from the Polish territory. Building on ethnographic research, including interviews and photographic material, this article explores specific practices and technologies of surveillance in Polish detention centres by describing and discussing how they are deployed by detention personnel. It overviews different types of direct surveillance (e.g direct observation, counting, inspection), at the same time discussing the role of monitoring technologies, which have significantly influenced the practices and spaces of detention. The article concludes that further development of electronic surveillance in the Polish guarded centres may be inevitable and lead to further “panopticonization” of detention in Poland.
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Information: Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, 2022 (XLVIII), Vol. 4 (186), pp. 53 - 71
Article type: Original article
Surveillance and Security in Immigrant Detention Centres in Poland. An Overview of Key Technologies and Practices
Surveillance and Security in Immigrant Detention Centres in Poland. An Overview of Key Technologies and Practices
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Published at: 12.2022
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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