Participation and Voting Behavior of Poles Abroad in Home Country Elections. Th e Case of Poles in the US and Canada in Comparative Perspective
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEParticipation and Voting Behavior of Poles Abroad in Home Country Elections. Th e Case of Poles in the US and Canada in Comparative Perspective
Publication date: 12.2018
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, 2018 (XLIV), Vol. 170, Issue 4, pp. 97 - 117
Participation and Voting Behavior of Poles Abroad in Home Country Elections. Th e Case of Poles in the US and Canada in Comparative Perspective
The article offers an analysis of an important aspect of trans-national politics: the electoral participation of Polish citizens abroad in the national elections in Poland. The author presents a comparative analysis of the data regarding the elections (both parliamentary and presidential) that took place in Poland in the last two decades (1990–2015), together with major trends, distribution of votes and their possible impact on general election results. The analysis reveals interesting dynamics of electoral mobilization of Polish emigrants, points out possible factors contributing to the level of electoral participation and shows political preferences of Polish voters in the US and Canada in comparative perspective.
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Information: Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, 2018 (XLIV), Vol. 170, Issue 4, pp. 97 - 117
Article type: Original article
Participation and Voting Behavior of Poles Abroad in Home Country Elections. Th e Case of Poles in the US and Canada in Comparative Perspective
Participation and Voting Behavior of Poles Abroad in Home Country Elections. Th e Case of Poles in the US and Canada in Comparative Perspective
Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland
Published at: 12.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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