Termin wymagalności roszczeń odszkodowawczych związanych z ograniczeniem sposobu korzystania z nieruchomości na terenie obszaru ograniczonego użytkowania

Attorney-at-Law, 2024, 1 (38), pp. 121-133



Tomasz Jankowiak
All publications →


Termin wymagalności roszczeń odszkodowawczych związanych z ograniczeniem sposobu korzystania z nieruchomości na terenie obszaru ograniczonego użytkowania


The author considers doubts relating to the date from which an indefinite claim arising from a restriction of the use of real estate in the area of limited usufruct is becoming due, which is regulated by Articles 129(2) and (3) and 136(3) of the Environmental Protection Law.
Firstly, the author presents primary conditions for establishing the area of limited usufruct. According to the author, the debtor, in the case of this type of claim, is well aware of its validity and can also easily verify it as to the amount. The author concluded that in the case of perpetual compensation claims related to the restriction of the use of real estate in a limited-use area, they become due when the debtor fails to provide without reasonable delay after the creditor calls on him to do so and from that moment statutory interest for delay should be awarded.


Download references

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Information: Attorney-at-Law, 2024, 1 (38), pp. 121-133

Article type: Original article


Polish: Termin wymagalności roszczeń odszkodowawczych związanych z ograniczeniem sposobu korzystania z nieruchomości na terenie obszaru ograniczonego użytkowania
English: Due date for claims for damages related to the restriction of the use of real estate in the restricted use area

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Tomasz Jankowiak (Author) - 100%

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