Change of the profession or form of its practice from the perspective of the professional ethics of attorneys-at-law

Publication date: 31.10.2022

Attorney-at-Law, 2022, 2 (31), pp. 333-341



Sławomir W. Ciupa
Krajowa Rada Radców Prawnych, Warszawa, Poland
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Change of the profession or form of its practice from the perspective of the professional ethics of attorneys-at-law


The article discusses issues related to the professional mobility of attorneys-at-law in light of the Code of Ethics of Attorneys-at-Law. The author discusses changes in the profession or form of its practicing in terms of movement between the public and private sectors as well as within the private sector itself. The article also addresses the issue of changing the form of practicing the profession or the entity where the profession is practiced. These phenomena, though partially regulated by law, escape ethical regulation; the Code covers them only to a narrow extent (professional secrecy and conflict of interest). The question is, therefore, whether this and the indirect application of several other principles of professional ethics (independence, dignity of the profession, loyalty, and trust) can be considered appropriate. The author analyzes if the application of the above ethical principles is sufficient in terms of safeguarding against the unethical use of relationships or networks from the professional past as well as avoiding the related reduction in independence, conflicts of interest, breach of professional secrecy, or loyalty. 


Download references

Ciupa S.W., Przejście na drugą stronę (revolving door). O etyce w praktyce, blog dla prawników, www.oetycewpratyce.pl (accessed 17 March 2021).

Mikołajczyk-Gaj K., Revolving door. Etyczne aspekty zmiany wykonywanego zawodu prawniczego, [in:] Etyka prawnicza Stanowiska i perspektywy 3, ed. H. Izdebski and P. Skuczyński, Warsaw 2013.

Sarkowicz R., Amerykańska etyka prawnicza, Kraków 2004.

Legal acts

Act of 6.07.1982 on attorneys-at-law (consolidated text published in Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1166).


Code of Ethics of Attorneys-at-Law – Appendix to the resolution no. 3/2014 of the Extraordinary National Convention of Attorneys-at-Law of 22.11.2014.


Information: Attorney-at-Law, 2022, 2 (31), pp. 333-341

Article type: Original article


Krajowa Rada Radców Prawnych, Warszawa, Poland

Published at: 31.10.2022

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Sławomir W. Ciupa (Author) - 100%

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