To Konstantynowa Sobieska on her Leaving Żółkiew: On a Translation of the Latin Octavia
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETo Konstantynowa Sobieska on her Leaving Żółkiew: On a Translation of the Latin Octavia
Publication date: 05.11.2013
Przekładaniec, Issues in English, Special Issue 2013 – Selection from the Archives, pp. 102 - 123
To Konstantynowa Sobieska on her Leaving Żółkiew: On a Translation of the Latin Octavia
The paper discusses a translation of the Roman tragedy Historia albo
tragedia Oktawii cesarzówny rzymskiej (History or Tragedy of Octavia the Roman
Emperor’s Daughter) by Józef Jan Woliński, published in 1728 and completed shortly
beforehand. Its author presents himself as a faithful servant of the Wessels and dedicates
his adaptation of the fi rst-century praetexta Octavia to Maria Józefa Wessel, Konstanty
Sobieski’s widow. The translator adapts the Latin text, on the one hand emphasising
Nero’s ferocity and despotism, on the other employing the stereotype of the abandoned
wife. The cruel emperor is charged with all the responsibility for the evil which consumes
Rome and his relatives, while Octavia is depicted as a fragile and passive victim of
his malice. However, the translator does not disregard the protagonist’s intimacy with
her brother and her nurse. Woliński underlines the moral aspect of the drama, hinting
at the imminent collapse of Nero’s power and his violent death by suicide, which
does not feature in the original. By removing Octavia’s fi nal lamentation, the Polish
translator makes her follow her nurse’s advice and desist from expressing her grief.
Given Woliński’s closeness to his benefactors around the time of writing his Historia
albo tragedia, it seems plausible to suggest the drama was privately commissioned, and
conceived as a solace to Wessel’s concerns when handing her beloved estate at Żółkiew
to her odious brother-in-law, Jakub Sobieski.
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Information: Przekładaniec, Issues in English, Special Issue 2013 – Selection from the Archives, pp. 102 - 123
Article type: Original article
To Konstantynowa Sobieska on her Leaving Żółkiew: On a Translation of the Latin Octavia
To Konstantynowa Sobieska on her Leaving Żółkiew: On a Translation of the Latin Octavia
University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland
Published at: 05.11.2013
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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