Miłosz – Merton: układ podwójny
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEMiłosz – Merton: układ podwójny
Publication date: 30.05.2012
Przekładaniec, 2011, Issue 25 – Między Miłoszem a Miłoszem, pp. 189 - 202
Miłosz – Merton: układ podwójny
During his life in America Czesław Miłosz met numerous people, but few were more important to him than a man whom he saw only twice – Thomas Merton. Miłosz and Merton corresponded regularly for almost ten years (1959–1968) and their letters, published in Polish and English, display two great minds involved in a deep and sincere dialogue which reveals their most intimate thoughts as well as hopes and fears. Although close, the two remained independent in their thinking and free from false flatteries. The article presents their exchanges on political issues such as the Cold War,
the Civil Right Movement or the communist Russia as well as the transformations in the Catholic Church initiated by the Second Vatican Council. Intriguing similarities between their biographies are also mentioned.
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Information: Przekładaniec, 2011, Issue 25 – Między Miłoszem a Miłoszem, pp. 189 - 202
Article type: Original article
Miłosz – Merton: układ podwójny
Miłosz – Merton: układ podwójny
Chair in Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Czapskich 4, 31-110 Kraków
Published at: 30.05.2012
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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