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Feminist Thought in Bible Translations

Publication date: 05.09.2012

Przekładaniec, Issues in English, Issue 24/2010 – Feminism and translation, pp. 193 - 208



Aleksander Gomola
Chair in Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Czapskich 4, 31-110 Kraków
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Feminist Thought in Bible Translations


The Bible, considered by many a normative and patriarchal text, poses a serious challenge to feminism. Feminist theology offers alternative interpretation and aims to restore female dignity and social prestige to the biblical text through its translation. This article presents selected examples of the feminist interpretation of the Bible. It also analyses English and German translations to comment on inclusive language as the principle of feminist translation, now part of the mainstream biblical studies. Moreover, non-feminist inclusive translations into English and Polish are discussed.


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Information: Przekładaniec, Issues in English, Issue 24/2010 – Feminism and translation, pp. 193 - 208

Article type: Original article



Feminist Thought in Bible Translations


Feminist Thought in Bible Translations


Chair in Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Czapskich 4, 31-110 Kraków

Published at: 05.09.2012

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Aleksander Gomola (Author) - 100%

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<p> Feminist Thought in Bible Translations</p>