Information for Authors

The submission process

The editorial board informs that “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” are considered a violation of scientific integrity. The editorial board will inform the institutions employing the authors, as well as any scientific associations, editor associations etc. of which they are members, of such violations.

Manuscripts are submitted via e-mail. Articles must be accompanied by the Author’s statement. Before submitting the manuscript, please read the information for authors.

Stages of the editorial process:

  1. Manuscript submission.
  2. Initial evaluation of the manuscript by a section editor or the editor-in-chief.
  3. Informing the author whether the manuscript has been rejected or accepted for further processing.
  4. Sending the manuscripts to reviewers.
  5. Forwarding the review to authors using the review form.
  6. Authors’ response to the reviews and modification of the manuscript.
  7. Sending the manuscript for proofreading.
  8. Correction of the manuscript by authors.
  9. Sending the manuscript for typesetting.
  10. Authors’ final approval of the manuscript.
  11. Publication.

No publishing fees

Journal does not request any article subsmission, review, publication and processing charges.

Information for authors writing for “Archival and Historical Review”

Basic information:

  1. The authors must submit manuscripts for print in electronic form (text file) to the editor’s e-mail address. 

  2. By submitting the text for publication, the author accepts the editorial guidelines provided below. The editorial team reserves the right to modify and abridge the text in line with the guidelines without consulting the author.

  3. The editorial team reserves the right to return manuscripts that do not comply with the following guidelines to their authors.
  1. By submitting the text for publication, the author consents to its distribution in electronic form on an open access basis under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-ND 3.0), via the website of the State Archive in Poznań and in selected scientific databases.


Instructions for preparing a manuscript for print:

  1. Main text should be written in Times New Roman font, line spacing — 1.5. In the main text the font size should be 12, in the footnotes — 10.
  2. Only standard abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols must be used. Names of months should be written in full (e.g. July 15, 1410, on July 15, in July 1410). Lesser known abbreviations, acronyms, or symbols should be spelled out at first occurrence in the text.

  3. Citations are provided using regular font, marked with quotation marks. Omissions are marked with “[...]”.

  4. Reference numbers in the main text should be placed before the period finishing the sentence (unless the period marks an abbreviation) or before a comma in the sentence (unless located between words not separated by a comma).

  5. Volumes, issues, and parts of periodicals (or other publications) must be numbered using Arabic numerals.

  6. Titles of journals and publication series are written in quotation marks; titles of publications as part of a collective work are followed by a comma, then “[in]”, and then the title of the collective work in italics.

  7. When citing an online source, the author and title are followed by a comma, the website address, and the access date in brackets.

    Example references:
    Citing a passage from a monograph:
    M. Raś, Polityka Rosji wobec Europy Środkowo­Wschodniej, Lublin 2010, p. 18.

    Citing a chapter from a monograph:
    I. Radtke, Organizacja pracy kancelaryjnej, [in:] Archiwistyka praktyczna dla archiwistów zakładowych, S. Kłys (ed.), Poznań 1987, p. 26–83.

    Citing articles from journals:
    T. Manteuffel, Początki współczesnej państwowej biurowości polskiej, “Archeion” vol. 5 (1929), p. 45.

    Citing press articles:
    J. Pawlicki, A. Titkow, Wizy tak, ale na 5 lat, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, September 3, 2002, p. 6.

    Citing online content:
    J. Bielecki, Bruksela mówi niet, “Rzeczpospolita”, January 29, 2002, http://archiwum. rp.pl/artykul/370949-Bruksela-mowi-niet.html#.WiLVDXmmnIU (accessed on December 2, 2017).
  8. References should be listed under the text (only applies to the “Articles” and “Studies and materials” sections), divided into “Archival sources”, “Printed sources”, and “Research”, in alphabetical order. If the description starts with the author, provide the surname followed by the first initial. Then, follow the rules as in referencing.

    Example reference list:

    Archive materials
    Main Archives of Old Documents in Warsaw
    General Directorate for South Prussia III, sign. 173.
    State Archive in Poznań
    Kriegs und Domänen Kammer, sign. 3, 6, 7, 14, 15.

    Printed sources
    Die ehemaligen Beamten des abgetretenen Preuss. Antheils von Polen, ihre Zahl, Geschichte, Lage und Rechte. Geschildert von einen ihrer Unglücksgefährten Ein Beitrag zur künftigen Geschichte unserer Zeiten, Gleiwitz 1809.
    “Kalisz Voivodeship Office Journal”, vol. 22, June 1, 1810.

    Bednarski W., Armagedon w 1975 roku – „możliwyczy prawdopodobny?, Tychy 2009.
    Dupin Ch., The Origins of FIAF, 1936–1938, https://www.fiafnet.org/pages/History/Originsof-FIAF.html (accessed on: March 3, 2019).
    Gałaszewski D., Zasady i formy selekcji kandydatów na wyższe uczelnie w Polsce w latach 19471956, [in:] Reviews and materials Z dziejów opozycji i oporu społecznego, Ł. Kamiński (ed.),Wrocław 2000.
    Olszewska B.W., Czekanie na wielki ucisk”, “Polityka”, October 1, 1983.


Information for authors: Reviews and Reports

  1. Papers for the “Reviews and Reports” section must include the bibliographical description of the reviewed book, journal etc. in the title. This comprises the first initial and surname of the author, title, and (optionally) subtitle (after the title page); if the reviewed work is a collective work, the title is followed by the name and surname of the editor, and then (in the case of a multi-volume work), the volume or part number (e.g. vol. 1–2), always in Arabic numerals, and then the place and year of publication, name of the publisher, and page numbers.

  2. The name and surname of the author (in italics) and their affiliation if applicable (regular font, in brackets) are provided below the text.

    Example text title descriptions:
    m. Jabłońska, Nowe wyzwania archiwów. Komunikacja społeczna i public relations, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Toruń 2016, pp. 216.
    Maria Zamoyska, wspomnienia, M. Biniaś-Szkopek, I. Kraszewski, K. Rataj (eds.), Fundacja Zakłady Kórnickie, Kórnik 2017, pp. 269 (fig., indexes). 


Information for authors: Meetings, Conventions, Conferences, Scientific Reports

  1. Titles in the “Meetings, Conventions, Conferences, Scientific Reports” section must contain the name of the event (in italics) and the location and date, separated by commas.

  2. The name and surname of the author (in italics) and their affiliation if applicable (regular font, in brackets) are provided below the text.

    Example text title descriptions:
    Współczesna dokumentacja współczesne archiwa, Poznań, October 13–14, 2016

Information for authors: In memoriam

  1. Titles in the “In memoriam” section must contain the name and surname of the deceased, followed by their dates of birth and death (in brackets).

  2. The name and surname of the author (in italics) and their affiliation if applicable (in brackets) are provided below the text.


Information for authors: Articlesand Studies and Materials

  1. Manuscripts for the “Articles” or “Studies and Materials” sections should include a short abstract (maximum 1000 characters), key words (5–7), and the author’s statement (downloaded from the website).

  2. Text should be formatted in line with the editor’s guidelines (file: “Internal structure of the article”).

  3. The manuscript should include a reference list prepared in compliance with the above guidelines (“References and bibliography”).

  4. A maximum of 4 figures can be attached. The selection of figures is at the author’s discretion.