Teodoryk Strabon
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETeodoryk Strabon
Publication date: 25.11.2013
History Notebooks, 2013, Issue 140 (3), pp. 213-227
Teodoryk Strabon
The article is the first monograph devoted to Theodoric Strabo, one of the most important Goth chieftains who lived in the 5th century C. E. At fi rst the author tries to provide answers to three fundamental queries: firstly, whether Theodoric was an Amal? The author comes to the conclusion that he was a representative of another ruling family which had led the Goths in Thrace, whereas he was only related to the Amals. Contrary to the opinion of the majority of contemporary historians, the author comes to the conclusion that Theodoric Strabo became the ruler of the Goths only in the 70’s of the 5th century. The question regarding the background of his father remains unanswered. In the subsequent part of the article, the author tries to present the history of Theodoric Strabo’s struggle with Emperor Leo whose aim was to recognize the former one’s authority over the Thracian Goths in 473. In the effect of the struggle, Strabo had for the first time become magister militum praesentalis. After Leo’s death it was emperor Zeno who seized power in Constantinople; as the latter had been rather adverse to the Goths, Strabo gave his support to usurper Basiliscus who had seized power for a year and a half in Constantinople. The years 478–479 brought about Strabo’s victory in the struggle with Theodoric Amal for the position of the empire’s chiefally. In the year 481 Theodoric Strabo died in a tragic accident. After his death, the majority of the Balkan Goths became united under the rule of Theodoric Amal.
Information: History Notebooks, 2013, Issue 140 (3), pp. 213-227
Article type: Original article
Teodoryk Strabon
Teodoryk Strabon
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 25.11.2013
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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