Spójność i komplementarność treści nauczania historii na trzecim i czwartym etapie kształcenia. Teoria i praktyka szkolna

Publication date: 06.07.2015

History Notebooks, 2015, Issue 142 (2), pp. 293 - 307



Marek Białokur
University of Opole, pl. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland
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Spójność i komplementarność treści nauczania historii na trzecim i czwartym etapie kształcenia. Teoria i praktyka szkolna


Consistency and Complementarity of the Content of History Teaching and Its Implementation in the Third and Fourth Stages of Education


The core curriculum of general education for middle and high schools was introduced by the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 23rd December 2008 and has been implemented in schools since 1st September 2009. The core curriculum is realized at the third (middle school) and fourth (high school) levels of education. In the assumption of the authors it creates a coherent unity; and common aims of education on both stages are a guarantee of the state of affairs. Coherence and complementarity of teaching content for the third and fourth stages of education in the field of history education have been described both in the content and learning objectives. The authors of core curriculum determined the fundamental knowledge and skills that students should master in middle and high schools. This article discusses in details the issue and confronts the opinions of history didacticians, history teachers and pupils, taking into account four years of experience of realizing the core curriculum in schools. The conclusion of the article is unfortunately critical for the authors of the reform of 2008 as it shows that in most cases doubts towards the provisions of the new core curriculum have been confirmed.


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Information: History Notebooks, 2015, Issue 142 (2), pp. 293 - 307

Article type: Original article



Spójność i komplementarność treści nauczania historii na trzecim i czwartym etapie kształcenia. Teoria i praktyka szkolna


Consistency and Complementarity of the Content of History Teaching and Its Implementation in the Third and Fourth Stages of Education


University of Opole, pl. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland

Published at: 06.07.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Marek Białokur (Author) - 100%

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