Bullets with a direct message, or the inscriptions on glandes plumbeae near Asculum from the social war (91–89 BCE)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPociski z bezpośrednim przekazem, czyli rzecz o napisach na glandes plumbeae spod Askulum z okresu wojny ze sprzymierzeńcami (91–89 p.n.e.)
Publication date: 2023
History Notebooks, 2023, Issue 150 (3), pp. 407 - 429
Pociski z bezpośrednim przekazem, czyli rzecz o napisach na glandes plumbeae spod Askulum z okresu wojny ze sprzymierzeńcami (91–89 p.n.e.)
In antiquity, various inscriptions were placed on the projectiles fired from the throwing weapons. These could be the names of the artisans and soldiers who made them in the camp before the battle, or those who fired them to compete with each other and who wanted to demonstrate the accuracy of their hits on the target. There were also names of units to which the soldiers belonged or where they originated from. They also included information about the deities, the names of the leaders and the references to values that guided the fighters. Attempts were also made to exert psychological effects on opponents, the aim of which was to provoke and humiliate them. A significant number of glandes plumbeae with symbols and inscriptions placed on them dating back to the decline period of the Republic (133–30 BCE) have been preserved. The glandes from Asculum are also very interesting, as they further our knowledge about the siege of this city (90–89 BCE), which was located in the area of Picenum, where the battles were fought during the bellum Marsicum (91–87 BCE). The inscriptions placed on the projectiles provide us with extremely valuable data supplementing few accounts of ancient authors.
Korpusy inskrypcji
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CIL XI – Inscriptiones Aemiliae, Etruriae, Umbriae Latinae (1888–1926)
CIL XIV – Inscriptiones Latii veteris Latinae (1887–1933)
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ILS – Inscriptiones Latinae selectae, ed. H. Dessau, wyd. 2, Berolini 1954–1955
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Information: History Notebooks, 2023, Issue 150 (3), pp. 407 - 429
Article type: Original article
Pociski z bezpośrednim przekazem, czyli rzecz o napisach na glandes plumbeae spod Askulum z okresu wojny ze sprzymierzeńcami (91–89 p.n.e.)
Bullets with a direct message, or the inscriptions on glandes plumbeae near Asculum from the social war (91–89 BCE)
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 2023
Article status: Open
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