Economic consequences of the occupation of Galicia by the Russian army in 1809
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEGospodarcze skutki okupacji Galicji przez wojsko rosyjskie w 1809 roku
Publication date: 06.11.2020
History Notebooks, 2020, Issue 147 (3), pp. 491-503
Gospodarcze skutki okupacji Galicji przez wojsko rosyjskie w 1809 roku
The intervention of the Russian army in Galicia in June 1809, during the War of the Fifth Coalition, was formally the implementation of the alliance with Napoleon (the Treaty of Tilsit). In reality, Russia was concerned with preventing territorial expansion of the Duchy of Warsaw and hoping for a possible seizure of some Austrian lands. The costs of maintaining the Russian army had to be covered by the inhabitants of the part of Galicia they occupied. The value of food, forage supplies and taxes collected to supply Russian troops, as well as requisitions, amounted at least to 5.87 million florins. That was a serious sum, all the more so because taxes had already been collected from Galicia and the supplies were transferred to the Austrian army. However, these burdens have not led to the collapse of the country’s economy. This was partly due to the fact that only the beneficiary of military supplies changed: the Russian army took the place of the Austrian army. The several-month stay of the Russian army in Galicia contributed to the weakening of the economic and military potential of the Habsburg monarchy at the final stage of the war of 1809, as the state was deprived of the inflow of financial and material resources from its north-eastern areas before the Treaty of Schönbrunn.
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Information: History Notebooks, 2020, Issue 147 (3), pp. 491-503
Article type: Original article
Gospodarcze skutki okupacji Galicji przez wojsko rosyjskie w 1809 roku
Economic consequences of the occupation of Galicia by the Russian army in 1809
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Published at: 06.11.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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