Dwutorowy wpływ Północno-Zachodniego Pogranicza Indii Brytyjskich na brytyjską wizję imperium na przełomie XIX i XX wieku

Publication date: 18.12.2019

History Notebooks, 2019, Issue 146 (4), pp. 749 - 767



Benedykt Żurek
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6896-1065 Orcid
All publications →


Dwutorowy wpływ Północno-Zachodniego Pogranicza Indii Brytyjskich na brytyjską wizję imperium na przełomie XIX i XX wieku


The dual impact of British India’s North-West Frontier on the British imperial idea at the turn of the 20th century

The article presents the dual impact of British India’s North-West Frontier on the British idea of empire. The Frontier was an imperial myth – the special interpretation of the past – which provided a pattern of behavior that should be followed by British imperial soldiers and officials. The myth itself was propagated by war correspondents and writers, such as Rudyard Kipling, but the Frontier also served as an “imperial laboratory” for a new generation of military technocrats (e.g. Charles Callwell) who could develop and describe their outlook on asymmetric warfare. The new approach to so-called small wars was a local variant of the general changes in military organization that occurred in the second half of the 19th century.



Indian Office Record. British Library, London

DMO/13/2: Affairs in Turkestan. Compiled by Colonel Belayevsky of the Russian General Staff. Translated in the Intelligence Branch, War Office, under the supervision of Captain J.W. Murray, D.A.Q.M.G. with a Preface by Major-General H. Brackenbury, C.B. London: Printed at the War Office, by Harrison & Sons, 1886.

DMO/13/3: Analysis of General Kuropatkin’s Scheme for the Invasion of India. By J.M. Grierson, Captain, R.A., 1886.

DMO/13/6: Report upon the Military Situation in Transcaspia. 20th January 1886. Prepared in the Intelligence Branch, War Office by Captain J. Wolfe Murray, R.A.,

D.A.Q.M.G. London: Printed at the War Office, by Harrison & Sons, 1886.

DMO/13/12: Report of a Trip through Transcaspia and Turkestan in October, 1888. By Colonel the Hon. R.A.J. Talbot, C.B., with marginal notes prepared in the Intelligence Division, War Office. London: Printed at the War Office, by Harrison and Sons, 1889.


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Information: History Notebooks, 2019, Issue 146 (4), pp. 749 - 767

Article type: Original article



Dwutorowy wpływ Północno-Zachodniego Pogranicza Indii Brytyjskich na brytyjską wizję imperium na przełomie XIX i XX wieku


The dual impact of British India’s North-West Frontier on the British imperial idea at the turn of the 20th century



Benedykt Żurek
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6896-1065 Orcid
All publications →

Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland

Published at: 18.12.2019

Article status: Open

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Benedykt Żurek (Author) - 100%

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