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Uwarunkowania synoptyczne porywów wiatru w Żeńsku (2008–2009)

Publication date: 25.03.2015

Geographical Studies, 2014, Issue 139, pp. 33 - 41



Monika Lisowska
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Instytut Geografii Fizycznej, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa
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Uwarunkowania synoptyczne porywów wiatru w Żeńsku (2008–2009)


Synoptic conditions of wind gusts at Żeńsko in Western Pomerania (2008–2009)

Wind gusts are a dangerous meteorological phenomenon which may cause material damage and risk to human life. In recent years they have been observed more frequently. The purpose of this analysis is to examine synoptic situations favouring the occurrence of wind gust in Żeńsko (Western Pomerania ) and to characterize their seasonal, monthly and diurnal variations. The study uses data on wind speed and direction from the wind data collection tower at Żeńsko from the period between January 2008 and December 2009. Wind speed was measured at two heights – 25 and 50 m above ground level. The location selected for this analysis represents lakeland landscape, typical for this part of Poland. Wind Gusts at Żeńsko are observed throughout the year. The maximum of their occurrence is observed in March and August, while the minimum in May and September. During the day they most often occur in the afternoon hours. A synoptic situation favouring the occurrence of wind gusts is a baric col over Poland. They equally often occur during fronts transition, particularly with a cold front. The investigation revealed that wind gusts always occur on days with the advection of more than one air mass. They also occur with a high probability (over 25%) in the cases of tropical and polar continental air flow.


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Information: Geographical Studies, 2014, Issue 139, pp. 33 - 41

Article type: Original article



Uwarunkowania synoptyczne porywów wiatru w Żeńsku (2008–2009)


Uwarunkowania synoptyczne porywów wiatru w Żeńsku (2008–2009)


Uniwersytet Warszawski, Instytut Geografii Fizycznej, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa

Published at: 25.03.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Monika Lisowska (Author) - 100%

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