How to measure susceptibility to degradation in large post-socialist housing estates?
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 05.11.2012
Geographical Studies, 2012 , Issue 130, pp. 55 - 71
How to measure susceptibility to degradation in large post-socialist housing estates?
In this paper methods for measuring susceptibility to social and landscape degradation in large post-socialist housing estates (L H Es ) are proposed. This type of housing was especially popular in post-war Central and Eastern Europe run by communist regimes. As a result, L H Es today constitute a significant part of this region’s housing stock, therefore, their eventual decline would affect millions of people as well as considerable urban areas. This paper is designed to have an applied dimension. The research included a survey of the residents of six housing estates in Katowice (Poland), fieldwork, and statistical analysis using the chi-squared test. On this basis, several factors are evaluated according to their ‘degradation potential’. This leads to the creation of a model illustrating degradation processes taking place at L H Es . The decline in the quality of life is used as an analytical starting point. Research has shown that the large size of a given estate appears to be the most significant factor stimulating its decline. Other key factors are: low aesthetic qualities, poor maintenance of public spaces, weak social bonds, relative lack of public safety, and insufficient social infrastructure. In contrast, issues such as pollution, noise, undesirable surroundings and general management of the area appeared to have the least importance. The final result of the research procedure is a rating of the six studied estates on the basis of their susceptibility to degradation.
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Information: Geographical Studies, 2012 , Issue 130, pp. 55 - 71
Article type: Original article
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 05.11.2012
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