Factors influencing preferences and actions of Polish municipal authorities regarding mitigation and adaptation to climate change
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RIS BIB ENDNOTECzynniki warunkujące preferencje i działania samorządów gminnych w Polsce w zakresie łagodzenia i adaptacji do zmian klimatycznych
Publication date: 22.08.2017
Geographical Studies, 2017, Issue 149, pp. 55 - 80
Czynniki warunkujące preferencje i działania samorządów gminnych w Polsce w zakresie łagodzenia i adaptacji do zmian klimatycznych
Factors influencing preferences and actions of Polish municipal authorities regarding mitigation and adaptation to climate change
In the article we analyze types and determinants of local climate policies undertaken by Polish communes. We use a distinction between adaptation and mitigation policies. Our study is based on a survey on all Polish communes conducted in 2014 (response rate 51%).
The research has revealed a far-reaching coherence of situation in Polish and foreign communes (when compared to foreign literature). Polish communes declare most frequently mitigation activities, which we explain by national and EU support. Obligation for local plans of low emission economy, together with financial incentives for this goal has led to a local focus being placed on air quality.
Among the factors explaining differentiation in locally undertaken actions, the most important one is size (population) of a commune (which influences e.g. the competences of local administration). In the case of adaptation, the perceived vulnerability of a commune (experience of past and expectation of future extreme weather events related to water) is also important. Other factors, like the affluence of municipality a commune, has turned out to have secondary importance, determined by size. When looking at determinants of the will to spend more money on mitigation than adaptation, we have discovered that it depends on the conviction that human activity influences climate changes and that local governments should undertake climate policies.
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Information: Geographical Studies, 2017, Issue 149, pp. 55 - 80
Article type: Original article
Czynniki warunkujące preferencje i działania samorządów gminnych w Polsce w zakresie łagodzenia i adaptacji do zmian klimatycznych
Factors influencing preferences and actions of Polish municipal authorities regarding mitigation and adaptation to climate change
University of Warsaw; Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa
University of Warsaw; Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa
Published at: 22.08.2017
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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