Fight and Contemplation. The Towianists amid the European Revolutions of 1848
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEFight and Contemplation. The Towianists amid the European Revolutions of 1848
Publication date: 05.2023
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2023, 17 (1/2023), pp. 13-31
Fight and Contemplation. The Towianists amid the European Revolutions of 1848
The aim of the article is to show the European diffusion of an esoteric doctrine that originated in Lithuania in the nineteenth century and its circulation during the European uprisings of 1848. The article focuses on a case study of heterodox Catholic thought promoted by Andrzej Towiański. Towianism was diffused in Central and Eastern Europe and consolidated its presence in Western and Southern Europe. The Towianists acted to influence politics and participated in several key historical events of the nineteenth century. Using archival sources, the article investigates the relationship between Romantic nationalism and esotericism, its transnational nature, and its contribution to a turning point in European history.
• ABJ: Biblioteka Jagiellońska in Krakow.
○ 86/55: Korespondencja Edmunda Różyckiego z lat 1862‒1890. Rząd Narodowy. Warszawa, 28/11/1863.
○ 102/55: Druki ulotne związane z kręgiem Towiańczyków.
○ 7162 III: Materiały do Towiańszczyzny z lat 1843‒1857.
• BRAB: Biblioteca Reale of Turin, Archivio Begey.
○ F3: Atti e documenti dell’Opera.
■ ATT.I.24 : Extraits des Journaux concernant l’emprisonnement d’André Towiański.
○ F34: Carte Canonico.
◇ 366: Elenco delle principali testimonianze presentate a Parigi da servitori dell’Opera alle autorità politiche francesi in occasione della prigionia di A. Tow. (1848).
◇ 368: Testimonianza di discepoli di A. Tow. Al generale Cavaignac e all’Assemblea naz. 17/7/48.
◇ 369: Idem al Generale Bertrand 19/7/48.
◇ 370: Idem al Generale Cavaignac 12/8/48.
○ F47 : Carte Forni.
◇ XVIII : Idées fondamentales pour les services. Binningen, 11‒12/03/1848.
◇ XIX : Idées fondamentales pour le service. 11-12/03/1848.
◇ XX : Instructions aux frère à leur départ pour Paris. Binningen, 09/03/1848.
◇ XXI : En arrivant à Paris. 11-12/03/1848.
◇ XXI bis : En arrivant à Paris. Note du frère Jean avant le départ pour Paris. 1848.
◇ XXIII : À propos d’aller à la guerre contre l’Autriche. Binningen, 23/04/18 48.
◇ XXIV: Le magnétisme et l’Italie. Binningen, 2 3/04/1848.
○ F49: Carte Forni .
◇ XXII: Au retour de Paris. Binningen, 21/04/1848.
• MCRR: Central Museum of the Risorgimento in Rome.
■ B.0242
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◇ 41. Strasbourg, 19/05/1848.
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Information: The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2023, 17 (1/2023), pp. 13-31
Article type: Original article
Fight and Contemplation. The Towianists amid the European Revolutions of 1848
Fight and Contemplation. The Towianists amid the European Revolutions of 1848
University of Amsterdam
Published at: 05.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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