Uniwersalne projektowanie przestrzeni osób z niepełnosprawnością

Publication date: 2019

Disability, 2016, Issue 21 (2016), pp. 66-77


Teresa Żółkowska
Szczecin University
, Poland
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Uniwersalne projektowanie przestrzeni osób z niepełnosprawnością


Universal design spaces for people with disabilities

Universal designing is designing the sphere, in which everyone is equal no matter what is one sex, age, height, the level of ability, and the changes that are displayed in the lifespan (because of the illness or aging). It is a way of designing, based on the idealistic assumptions, which not always are displayed in practice. The following article is an attempt to answer the following questions: is it possible to design universally does is it only appear in the sphere of ideas and concepts? Is the process of universalisation of everyday life projects, which covers „normal” products and services possible and is it adequate to complex human functioning? How is it possible to come from idealistic assumptions to practice of designing that provide the disabled chances for equal, independent from functioning in the environment.


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Information: Disability, 2016, Issue 21 (2016), pp. 66-77

Article type: Original article



Uniwersalne projektowanie przestrzeni osób z niepełnosprawnością


Universal design spaces for people with disabilities


Szczecin University

Published at: 2019

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Teresa Żółkowska (Author) - 100%

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View count: 1855

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