Selected historical collections in the field of the history of medicine and pharmacy in the contemporary museum collections and scientific libraries of Istanbul. Part two
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWybrane kolekcje historyczne z zakresu historii medycyny i farmacji we współczesnych zbiorach muzealnych i bibliotekach naukowych Stambułu – część druga
Publication date: 12.2021
Modern medicine, 2021, Volume 27 (2021) Issue 2, pp. 169-210
Wybrane kolekcje historyczne z zakresu historii medycyny i farmacji we współczesnych zbiorach muzealnych i bibliotekach naukowych Stambułu – część druga
In the collections of Turkish public scientific institutions, museums and libraries, there are extensive resources of historical artifacts connected thematically with the history of medicine and pharmacy. They include mainly manuscript books in Arabic, Persian, Turkish and also in Greek and Latin, which were gathered in the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The historical and medical collections contain also numerous printed books, including critical editions of the work by the classic authors of Islamic medicine together with their translations into congressional languages. In Istanbul, we can also fi nd numerous examples of various types of devices and equipment used in connection with the treatment and production of medicines. The article consists of two parts. The fi rst part presents the outline of the history of the evelopment of historical collections in Istanbul connected with the history of medicine and pharmacy. The second part describes selected museum facilities and collections.
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Information: Modern medicine, 2021, Volume 27 (2021) Issue 2, pp. 169-210
Article type: Original article
Wybrane kolekcje historyczne z zakresu historii medycyny i farmacji we współczesnych zbiorach muzealnych i bibliotekach naukowych Stambułu – część druga
Selected historical collections in the field of the history of medicine and pharmacy in the contemporary museum collections and scientific libraries of Istanbul. Part two
Zakład Humanistycznych Nauk Wydziału Farmaceutycznego Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu
Published at: 12.2021
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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