Finance management skillsinprimary education. Internationally
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEUmiejętność zarządzania finansami w kształceniu podstawowym. Związki międzynarodowe
Publication date: 2017
Labor et Educatio, 2014, 2 (2014), pp. 167 - 188
Umiejętność zarządzania finansami w kształceniu podstawowym. Związki międzynarodowe
The requirements of the modern world pose new and difficult challenges to a modern man.This man finds himself or herself in the middle of changes in the social, economic and political situation. These circumstances have a huge impact on the whole system of education, therefore, educational institutions responsible for upbringing and supporting children have to face new challenges, tasks and goals. Nowadays, one of the conditions of the social successis to have adequate education and relevant skills. These include finance management skills. This trainingis to prepare students foractive and responsible participation in the financial market, sothat in the future people knew how to manage their money, properly configure personal and family budget, and recognize new financial products or properly communicate with financial institutions. This paper provides definitions of such concepts as “financial ability”, “basic funding”in relation to primary education and present show these were incorporated in the curricular of selected countries. This image is enriched by discussion on policies that promoteraising the levelof education in the field of finance.
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Information: Labor et Educatio, 2014, 2 (2014), pp. 167 - 188
Article type: Review article
Umiejętność zarządzania finansami w kształceniu podstawowym. Związki międzynarodowe
Finance management skillsinprimary education. Internationally
Institute of Social Education and Supports of Families, University of the National Education Commission, Krakow
Charles University, Prague
Published at: 2017
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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