Całościowa Ocena Geriatryczna a kierunki edukacji seniorów

Publication date: 2017

Labor et Educatio, 2014, 2 (2014), pp. 145 - 151


Karolina Piotrowicz
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Całościowa Ocena Geriatryczna a kierunki edukacji seniorów


The article concisely outlines the issues of the relationship between the aging of the organism and educational activities. Populations in the world are aging. Elderly people generally preserve the ability to learn, although learning takes more time. It is believed that educating the elderly reduces their risk of dementia development. Due to the changes in the aging process, the elderly require comprehensive geriatric assessment.


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Information: Labor et Educatio, 2014, 2 (2014), pp. 145 - 151

Article type: Review article



Całościowa Ocena Geriatryczna a kierunki edukacji seniorów


Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and Directions of Senior’s Education

Published at: 2017

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Karolina Piotrowicz (Author) - 100%

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