Adam Vetulani – Uncompromising Scholar
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 02.10.2024
Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology, 2024, Volume 69, Issue 3, pp. 183 - 194
Adam Vetulani – nieugięty uczony
Piotr Biliński, Adam Vetulani. Historyk prawa polskiego i kanonicznego, Kraków 2023, ss. 414
Piotr Biliński’s Adam Vetulani. Historyk prawa polskiego i kanonicznego (Kraków 2023) is devoted to an outstanding scholar. Vetulani was a professor at the Jagiellonian University, secretary general of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, and vice-president of the Main Board of the Polish Historical Society. During World War II, he served as a delegate of the National Culture Fund in Switzerland. He was active in the Polish People’s Party. Repressed by communist authorities, he withdrew from political life during the Stalinist period, remaining under surveillance by the security services. In the Polish People’s Republic, he focused on science. Among his university colleagues and students, he was admired for his courageous and dignified ideological stance during a period of intense ideological pressure. This biography is a reliable, engaging and factually rich study, filling the gap in the absence of a separate monographic study dedicated to Adam Vetulani.
Biliński P., Adam Vetulani. Historyk prawa polskiego i kanonicznego, Kraków 2023.
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Biliński P., Wysiłki Adama Vetulaniego na rzecz reaktywacji Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności w latach 1956-1958, „Polska 1944/45–1989. Studia i Materiały” 2022, t. 20, s. 155–173, DOI 10.12775/polska.2022.05.
Hübner M., Piotr Biliński, Władysław Konopczyński 1880–1952. Człowiek i dzieło, Kraków 2017, ss. 622 [artykuł recenzyjny], „Res Historica” 2018, nr 46, s. 493–507, DOI 10.17951/rh.2018.46.493-507.
Konopczyński W., Dziennik 1918–1921, cz. 1–2, oprac. P. Biliński, P. Plichta, Warszawa, Kraków 2016.
Konopczyński W., Dziennik 1922–1926, cz. 1–2, oprac. P. Biliński, P. Plichta, Warszawa 2021.
Vetulani A., Poza płomieniami wojny. Internowani w Szwajcarii 1940–1945, Warszawa 1976.
Information: Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology, 2024, Volume 69, Issue 3, pp. 183 - 194
Article type: Scientific review
Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa, Poland
Published at: 02.10.2024
Received at: 03.06.2024
Accepted at: 16.06.2024
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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